SAF signs contract in Poland
Geschrieben am 17-12-2007 |
Expansion of direct sales activities to Eastern Europe delivers first sales success Polish retail company orders automated forecasting and ordering systems Another Polish contract expected to be signed this year
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companies/Signing contract
Tägerwilen (euro adhoc) - Tägerwilen/Switzerland, December 17, 2007. SAF AG, which is listed on the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (ISIN CH0024848738), and is one of the worldwide leading suppliers of automated forecasting and ordering systems for retailers, has made a successful start in the promising Eastern European market. The software company, which includes large retail companies mainly in the USA and Western Europe among its direct customers, has just concluded a contract with a Polish drug store chain for the implementation of two automated forecasting and ordering systems. One system will handle the replenishment of 200 Polish retail stores; the second system will handle the replenishment of the central warehouse. Using historical sales data, both systems determine the optimum order quantity for each product fully automated.
"Our first signed contract in Poland confirms that we are on the right track with our sales offensive in Eastern Europe," reported Dr. Andreas von Beringe, SAF CEO. "SAF would like to further grow its business with this customer which is aggressively expanding its store network in this region. In addition, SAF expects to sign a contract with another Polish company this year." Due to increasing wage costs and the rapid growth of their store networks, more and more retail companies in Eastern Europe are very interested in software systems which help them to streamline processes, reduce costs and increase profits.
Conversion from Manual to Automated Replenishment
By implementing the innovative SAF systems, the Polish company will be able to converse from manual to automated replenishment. One of the primary reasons leading to the conclusion of the contract was the capability of the SAF forecasting systems to precisely forecast future demand while considering not only the effects of seasonal influences, holidays and other effects, but also the effects of several promotions. Starting in January 2008, SAF will begin with the preparations for the implementation of the SAF SuperStore software system to handle the store distribution. Once the above software roll-out has been completed, the installation of SAF SuperWarehouse to optimize warehouse management is planned.
SAF experts analyzed beforehand the customer´s business processes and their optimization potential. In this connection, it is very important for the customer that the data quality in the leading ERP and inventory management system will be parallel brought up. The better the quality of the data inputted into the SAF systems, the better the results they produce. "With this contract signing, SAF has laid the foundation for the growth of our direct business in the coming year," emphasized von Beringe. "The proceeds from this contract will contribute to SAF´s revenues and profits in 2008."
About SAF AG SAF Simulation, Analysis and Forecasting AG specializes in the development of automated ordering and forecasting software for retailers and industrial manufacturers. SAF deploys the demand chain management approach, which controls replenishment planning based on consumer demand patterns. SAF software assists users to realize substantial cost savings and optimizes general logistics conditions through its simulation capabilities. As a result, significant competitive advantages are achieved along the entire value chain: lower inventories, improved product availability, and last, but not least, a higher level of customer satisfaction.
SAF AG was established in 1996 by Dr. Andreas von Beringe and Prof. Dr. Gerhard Arminger. SAF shares are listed at the official market (Prime Standard) at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FWB). Today, the company employs approx. 90 people. Consolidated sales revenues for fiscal year 2006, were approx. 13.6 million EUR with consolidated profit of 4.6 million EUR according to IFRS statements. SAF´s products are distributed in many European countries as well as in the United States. The company is headquartered in Tägerwilen, Switzerland. SAF also has a subsidiary in the United States: SAF Simulation, Analysis and Forecasting U.S.A., Inc., Grapevine, Texas and in Slovakia, Bratislava: SAF Simulation, Analysis and Forecasting Slovakia s.r.o. with the focus on Nearshore-Development.
Forward Looking Statements and Estimates This information contains forward looking statements based on assumptions and estimates of SAF's Management Board. Although we assume the expectations in these forward looking statements are realistic, we cannot guarantee they will prove to be correct. The assumptions may harbor risks and uncertainties that may cause the actual figures to differ considerably from the forward looking statements. Factors that may cause such discrepancies include, among other things, risks that are mentioned in the annual report 2006. SAF does not plan to update the forward looking statements, nor does it assume the obligation to do so.
end of announcement euro adhoc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: SAF AG Im Internet recherchierbar:
Further inquiry note:
Astrid Strömer
+41 (0)71 666 79 48
Branche: Software ISIN: CH0024848738 WKN: A0JD78 Index: Prime All Share, Technologie All Share Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard Börse Berlin / free trade Börse Stuttgart / free trade Börse Düsseldorf / free trade Börse München / free trade
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