
MPC Capital placed more than EUR 1 billion in 2007 and expects growth in 2008

Geschrieben am 17-01-2008

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Hamburg (euro adhoc) - MPC Capital placed more than EUR 1 billion in
2007 and expects growth in 2008

. 2007 placement volume reported at EUR 1.06 billion
. Launch of first product for institutional investors
. 2008 further growth expected

Hamburg, January 17, 2008 - For the third time in the history of
the company MPC Capital AG raised more than EUR 1 billion
from investors in 2007. Institutional investors and private
investors invested a total of EUR 1,062 million (2006: EUR 1,008
million) in products initiated by the Hamburg-based wealth and
asset manager.

The development in 2007 was dominated by the ship segment, with
closed-end ship investments attracting by far the largest equity
volume of EUR 395 million. In addition, the MPC Global Maritime
Opportunities fund was MPC Capital AG's first ever shipping
product for institutional investors. This product was
successfully placed in a volatile market environment,
syndicating USD 228 million (EUR 158 million) in investment. In
the real estate segment, the company launched its innovative and
much-noted Indian real estate fund towards the end of the year.
Given that a EUR 37 million equity portion was booked as of
December 31, 2007 and that the MPC Global Maritime Opportunities is
geared to delivering recurring management revenues, both products
will unfold their economic impact only in the current fiscal year.

Moving forward into 2008, the Management Board expects to report
the highest placement volume in the history of the company. From
today's point of view, placement is to increase to EUR 1,100
million. This optimistic outlook is supported by the contracted
product volume especially in the area of ship investments,
such innovations as an oil drilling rig (MPC Deepsea Oil
Explorer), such new asset classes as the area of renewable
energies and the broad range of open-ended and closed-end capital
investments. The underlying assets have almost been fully secured
and the assets are fully financed without exception.

Based on the targeted EUR 1,100 million placement volume, the
management expects reporting EUR 45 million in 2008 net income (EPS
EUR 4.25).

MPC Capital AG's figures for fiscal 2007 will be published on February 28,

|Business segment in EUR m |2006 |2007 |+/- |2008 (e) |
|Real estate funds |234 |227 |- 3% |250 |
| thereof Real Estate |103 |151 |+ 47% |150 |
|Opportunity | | | | |
|Corporate investments |420 |558 |+ 33% | |
| thereof ship investments |411 |553 |+ 34% |550 |
|Life insurance funds |142 |115 |- 19% |100 |
|Renewable energies funds |- |- |- |50 |
|Structured products |119 |75 |- 37% |100 |
|Private equity funds |49 |39 |- 22 % |30 |
|Investment funds |44 |49 |+ 12 % |20 |
|TOTAL |1,008 |1,062 |+ 5 % |1,100 |

*Deviations due to rounding of figures.

Since 1994, approx. 161,000 customers have invested approx. EUR 6.83
billion in 283 investment vehicles with a total investment
volume of over EUR 16,56 billion.

Dr. Axel Schroeder, Chairman of the Managing Board of MPC
Capital AG, commented: "The past year presented a mixed picture. On
the one hand, we did not fully match our targets in the areas of
life insurance funds and structured products. On the other hand, we
achieved a number of impressive successes. For example, our team
once again succeeded in syndicating more than EUR 1 billion in
cooperation with our distribution partners, we entered new
markets e.g. through our India real estate fund, and we commenced
serving a new target group, namely institutional investors.
Most importantly, however, we were successful in creating an
excellent starting position for the future. We have further
developed our organisation and pooled our distribution power under
the MPC Capital brand. We have completed a number of innovative
products and developed existing products further. And we have the
most substantial product pipeline ever seen in the history of the
company. We are looking forward to a successful year." The
development of the business segments in 2007

Investments in international shipping were the most successful
product segment in terms of placements in 2007. Private investors
subscribed closed-end funds investing in various ship segments and
an equity volume of EUR 395 million (previous year: EUR 411
million). Apart from container ships, the ship investments also
comprised reefers and product tankers which all benefit from
stable and mostly long-term employments. The MPC Global Maritime
Opportunities fund is MPC Capital's first-ever offering for
institutional investors. A placement volume of EUR 158 million
testifies for the success of this product. The fund makes
investments all along the maritime value chain; in addition to
investments in ships of all types, the fund may invest in
maritime infrastructure projects and companies as well. Its
opportunistic and exclusively yield-oriented investment and charter
strategies are designed to capitalise on the important potential
resulting from the different cycles in the individual shipping
markets and to profit from these opportunities. All told, EUR
558 million were placed in the corporate investments segment in
2007 compared to EUR 420 million in 2006.

The focus in the real estate funds segment was on opportunistic
investment concepts. Investments in Real Estate Opportunity funds
totalled EUR 151 million (EUR 103 million). Due to the situation
in the international real estate markets MPC Capital continued to
demonstrate great restraint and launched only two traditional
closed-end funds based on Dutch real estate. At year-end an
innovation was presented to investors when MPC Capital provided
mass affluent private customers with access to the Indian real
estate market. This fund was fully placed within the shortest
possible time. EUR 37 million were recognised at December 31, 2007.
A total of EUR 227 million (previous year: EUR 234 million)
were invested in traditional real estate funds and the Real
Estate Opportunity investment concept.

At a placement volume of EUR 115 million (previous year: EUR 142
million), the segment of life insurance funds remained below the
original forecasts. As expected, the slowed placement speed meant
that the raising of equity for the 7th life insurance fund
continued beyond December 31, 2007. EUR 69 million was accounted
for by funds based on German capital life insurance policies and
EUR 46 million by funds based on British policies.

Coming in at EUR 75 million (previous year: EUR 119 million), the
placement volume in the structured products segment
underperformed expectations particularly with regard to
capital-protected notes and certificates. Against the background
and in view of the activities in the institutional business, MPC
Capital has decided to change its distribution structure and to
pool all distribution channels under the MPC Capital brand.

In the private equity segment, the placement of the Global Equity 9
fund was completed on the record date. Total equity raised in 2007
amounted to EUR 39 million (previous year: EUR 49 million).

Investments in open-ended investment funds, especially the MPC
Europa Methodik fund, attracted a total inflow of funds of EUR 49
million, compared to EUR 44 million in the previous year.

At EUR 86 million (previous year: EUR 112 million), MPC
Capital's Austrian subsidiaries accounted for 8% of Group equity

If you have any questions, please contact:

Andreas Schwarzwälder

Investor Relations

MPC Münchmeyer Petersen Capital AG, Palmaille 67, D-22767 Hamburg,
phone: +49 40/380 22-4347, Fax: +49 40/380 22-4878,
e-mail: ir@mpc-capital.com

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: MPC Münchmeyer Petersen Capital AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Andreas Schwarzwälder

+49 (0)40 380224347


Branche: Financial & Business Services
ISIN: DE0005187603
WKN: 518760
Index: SDAX, CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Börse Berlin / free trade
Börse Stuttgart / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Börse Hannover / free trade
Börse München / free trade
Börse Hamburg / regulated dealing


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