
euro adhoc: Zumtobel AG / Restructuring & Recapitalisations / Capital increase from approved conditional capital

Geschrieben am 22-02-2008

Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
for the content of this announcement.


Zumtobel AG / Capital increase from approved conditional capital

In its resolution of 20 February 2008, the Managing Board partly
exercised its authorisation to resolve a conditional capital increase
in order to offer stock options to employees, executives and members
of the board of the company or of an affiliated company, and resolved
to effect a conditional share capital increase of EUR 607,500 from
its current level of EUR 111,760,860.00 by issuing up to 243,000 new
no-par-value common voting bearer shares, each representing a pro
rata amount of EUR 2.50. The increase will only be effected to the
extent that the employees, executives and board members to whom stock
options have been offered exercise their subscription rights (para.
159 section 3, Austrian Stock Corporation Act AktG). The Managing
Board was authorised in this respect by the extraordinary
Shareholders' Meeting of 7 April 2006. The authorisation remains in
force within five years after registration of the respective change
in the the Articles of Association, which took place on 13 April
2006. In line with this authorisation, with the approval of the
Supervisory Board, the Managing Board may resolve a conditional
capital increase for the above-mentioned purpose, in one or several
tranches, up to a maximum of EUR 3,312,840.00 by issuing up to
1,325,136 new no-par-value common voting bearer shares against cash
contribution and may determine the issuing price and the terms of
issue. The report of the Managing Board in accordance with para. 159
section 3 in conjunction with section 2 subsection 3 Austrian Stock
Corporation Act (AktG) has today been published on the company's
website under "Investor Relations" at
www.zumtobelgroup.com/com/de/ir_information_centre_f.htm. A note
concerning this publication and the availability of the report of the
Managing Board for inspection at the company's premises has also been
published today in the Federal Gazette of Wiener Zeitung.

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: SEG Immo AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:


Christian Hogenmüller

Head of Investor Relations

Tel.: +43-5572-509-1510

E-Mail: Investorrelations@zumtobel.com


Astrid Kühn-Ulrich Verena Stättner

Head of Corporate Communications Assistant Corporate Communications

Tel. +43-5572-509-1570 Tel. +43-5572-509-575

E-Mail: astrid.kuehn@zumtobel.com Email: verena.staettner@zumtobel.com

Branche: Technology
ISIN: AT0000837307
Index: WBI, ATX Prime, ATX
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market


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