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CeBIT: 3CX Phone System v5.1 makes integration of remote workers and branch offices easy / 3CX's innovative tunnel makes firewall configuration for remote extensions using VoIP a breeze

Geschrieben am 25-02-2008

London, UK (ots) - 3CX has announced the release of version 5.1 of
3CX Phone System for Windows. The latest version of the
award-winning IP PBX, which will be displayed at 3CX's stand during
CeBIT (Hall 13 booth D26), has an integrated 3CX Tunnel which
simplifies firewall configuration by channeling all VoIP traffic over
a single port; making it easy for remote workers to connect to their
company's PBX and for Network Managers to connect different remote
PBX systems between them. Traditionally, firewall configuration for
remote SIP / VoIP systems and/or extensions can represent a
challenge, because it requires many open ports.

Nick Galea, CEO at 3CX said: "We know how important it is for
businesses nowadays to have remote workers and branches seamlessly
integrated to their company's phone system, and the addition of the
3CX Tunnel to 3CX Phone System for Windows facilitates this process.

"The 3CX Tunnel, unlike other similar tunneling protocols, is not
proprietary and can be used with popular VoIP softphones and hard
phones. This is ideal for businesses, as they can use a variety of
telephone options with their IP PBX depending on their needs and

Key advantages of the 3CX Tunnel:

- Easy firewall configuration - choose any port (ie. port 80) for
seamless networking
- Remote workers do not need to edit the firewall configuration to
be able to connect to the IP PBX from any location (ie. home,
hotels, conference centers, airports, etc.)
- Mobility, productivity and cost-saving advantages for businesses
from the integration of remote workers and branches to the
company's phone system

3CX Phone System for Windows allows businesses to completely break
free from the restrictions of hardware-based, proprietary phone
systems. Built on the open SIP standard, 3CX IP PBX interoperates
with all popular SIP phones, VoIP Gateways and VoIP providers.

Main advantages of adopting 3CX Phone System for Windows:

- Increases mobility - allows remote workers to be seamlessly
integrated to the company's phone system
- Eliminates expensive telephone tag by using the inbuilt Presence
- Simpler phone system administration via a web-based
- Vendor independent - significant cost savings by choosing VoIP
provider and SIP equipment of choice
- Delivers unified communications technology by merging voice and
data networks, allowing businesses to simplify real time
delivery of information.

Four available editions: Small Business, Pro, Enterprise and Free
3CX Phone System for Windows is available in four editions: Free,
Small Business, Pro and Enterprise, all supporting an unlimited
number of extensions. The Free edition is limited to 8 simultaneous
calls, whereas the Small Business edition supports up to 8, the Pro
version up to 16 and the Enterprise edition supports up to 32
simultaneous calls. Call capacity can be expanded with upgrade packs.
A detailed edition comparison table can be found on

3CX Phone System Free edition

A Free edition, supporting an unlimited number of extensions, is
also available. The Free edition can be downloaded from .

About 3CX

3CX is an international developer of telecommunications software,
headquartered in Europe with offices in Cyprus, USA, UK and Hong
Kong. It is a Microsoft Gold Certified partner and is backed by an
experienced management and development team. Its product, 3CX Phone
System for Windows, developed specifically for the SMB market, has
earned Windows Server 2003 Certification and has received numerous
awards, including the TMC Labs 2007 Innovation Award, The Gold Award, as well as, the IT EXPO Best of
Show award 2007 and the INTERNET Telephony Magazine Product of the
Year Award, all in recognition to the company's commitment to
innovation and quality. 3CX maintains a global presence with offices
in four countries and localized information available in many

Originaltext: 3CX Ltd.
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Press Contact:
Blanca Garcia
Tel: +357 22444032


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