REpower Systems AG expects balanced result in short fiscal year 2008
Geschrieben am 31-03-2008 |
- Presentation of the final annual results for 2007 - Massive capacity expansion as a result of total investment volume totalling EUR 86 million in fiscal year 2008/09
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ots.CorporateNews transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hamburg (euro adhoc) - Hamburg/Frankfurt, 31 March 2008. For the short fiscal year 2008 (from 1 January to 31 March 2008), the REpower Systems Group (WKN 617703) expects a more or less balanced operating result. At the presentation of the annual results in Frankfurt a. M. today, the company is presenting its final figures for fiscal year 2007.
REpower posted a strong improvement across all important figures. EBIT at EUR 28.2 million was more than twice the level of the previous year (EUR 12.2 million), sales and total operating performance moved up by 48.2% and 46.9% to EUR 680.2 million and EUR 678.2 million respectively (previous year: EUR 458.8 million and EUR 461.5 million), while net profit after taxes tripled from EUR 7.1 million to EUR 21.1 million.
For the new fiscal year 2008/09, which starts on 1 April 2008, REpower plans investments totalling some EUR 86 million. Nearly EUR 60 million of this is for the expansion and construction of production and administration buildings, including tooling like moulds for rotor blades. As a result of the investment program, REpower will more than double its annual production capacity from its current level of 1,300 MW within the next two years.
For 2008/09, REpower recently increases its sales guidance to EUR 1.1 billion and forecasts an EBIT margin between 5.5% and 6.5%. Planning for the fiscal year 2009/10 is for sales growth between 40% and 50%, which is generated together with an increase in the EBIT margin.
end of announcement euro adhoc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: REpower Systems AG Im Internet recherchierbar:
Further inquiry note:
Thomas Schnorrenberg
Investor Relations Manager
Phone: +49-40-55 55 090-3051
Branche: Alternative energy ISIN: DE0006177033 WKN: 617703 Index: TecDAX, CDAX, Prime All Share, Technologie All Share Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard Börse Berlin / free trade Börse Hamburg / free trade Börse Stuttgart / free trade Börse Düsseldorf / free trade Börse München / free trade
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