
World Gastroenterology Organisation and Danone launch Global Campaign to Improve Digestive Health

Geschrieben am 29-05-2008

London (ots/PRNewswire) -

- Year-Long Campaign Titled 'Optimum Health and Nutrition' to
Focus on the Link Between Nutrition and Digestive Health

- Poor Digestive Health Affects Millions Worldwide and Seriously
Impacts Quality of Life, yet few Seek Medical Advice

- WGO and Danone Committed to Working Together Over Next Three
Years to Help Raise Awareness and Improve Digestive Health

Today, on the occasion of World Digestive Health Day (WDHD), the
World Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO) has launched a year-long
campaign titled 'Optimum Health and Nutrition' focusing on the link
between nutrition and digestive health. An unbalanced diet, rushing
or skipping food and an unhealthy lifestyle may all contribute to
digestive disorders (such as constipation, bloating and heartburn )
which affect millions worldwide. In a global consumer study, more
than 55% of women interviewed claimed to suffer from these digestive
disorders(1). This campaign is part of a three-year partnership
between WGO and Danone to help raise awareness of digestive disorders
and the importance of maintaining good digestive health.

Millions worldwide suffer from digestive disorders, which can
seriously impact well-being and quality of life. For example,
constipation can lead to discomfort, bloating and irregularity, all
of which can affect confidence and leave sufferers feeling less
sociable and attractive(2). However, constipation is largely ignored,
with less than a third of sufferers actively seeking treatment - in
the global consumer study, 44% of women claimed to suffer from
constipation1 but a WGO report released today shows that only 15% of
people who suffer from constipation actually visit a doctor(3).

Overall, digestive disorders are associated with considerable
discomfort, disability, disruption of family life, high healthcare
costs and time lost from work and other productive activities(3). In
Europe, approximately 40 to 80 million people are affected by
digestive disorders and projected costs are Euros 5.1bn while in the
US, they account for 13% of all hospitalisations and nearly USD 24bn
in costs(3).

According to Professor Eamonn Quigley, President, World
Gastroenterology Organisation, "This year, we celebrate our 50th
anniversary and have chosen to highlight the crucial topic of
nutrition and digestive health. Digestive disorders affect a
significant percent of the population and can lead to serious
conditions such as colon cancer. We believe that nutrition is
integral to digestive health - and overall health - and within
nutrition, daily probiotics can play a major role in improving
digestive health. Working jointly with Danone, we hope to increase
awareness of digestive disorders and help people improve their
digestive health through easily implemented nutritional and
lifestyle changes."

Nutrition and lifestyle play an important role in digestive
health. Simple yet effective steps including consumption of fibre,
raw fruits and vegetables, adequate intake of fluids and regular
exercise can help maintain digestive health. Eating scientifically
proven probiotics daily can also help improve digestive health.

Dr Nigel Hughes, Vice President R&D - Dairy Division, Groupe
Danone, says "This partnership demonstrates the commitment of Danone
to improving nutrition and digestive health. Most digestive disorders
are caused by poor or inadequate nutrition. The WGO has recently
released nutritional guidelines including the daily consumption of
probiotics and we hope more healthcare professionals will include
probiotic foods with proven health benefits, such as Activia yogurt,
in the management of people with digestive disorders."

For the campaign, the WGO and Danone have developed a range of
useful materials about digestive health and nutrition for the general
public and healthcare professionals. Among these are 10 simple, easy
to follow nutritional recommendations and a nutritional pyramid for
consumers looking to improve their digestive health. The WGO has also
developed a DVD featuring interviews with leading European experts in
addition to guidelines on Probiotics for reference by healthcare
professionals and nutritionists. All these resources are available at

Over the next three years, Danone and the WGO will continue to
work together to raise awareness of digestive disorders and help make
healthcare professionals, the general public and governments more
aware of issues - local, national and global - relating to nutrition
and their relation to digestive health and disease. In addition, a
series of studies will be carried out annually to determine the
global prevalence of digestive disorders and provide clear
nutritional recommendations based on local habits and disorders.

About World Gastroenterology Organisation

Formed in 1935 and incorporated in 1958, the World
Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO) is a federation of 103 national
societies and four regional association of gastroenterology
representing over 50,000 individual members worldwide. Its mission is
to promote an awareness of the worldwide prevalence and optimal care
of digestive disorders, among the general public and healthcare
professionals alike, through the provision of high quality,
accessible and independent education and training. Every year, the
WGO celebrates 29th May as World Digestive Health Day (WDHD) focusing
on a particular gastroenterology theme or an important topic in the
area of digestive health and disease.

About Groupe Danone

Groupe DANONE, the worldwide leader in healthy food, is a Fortune
500 company and one of the most successful healthy food companies in
the world. Its mission is to bring health through tasty, nutritious
and affordable food and beverage products to as many people as
possible. Fulfilling this mission is a major contributor to the
Groupe's continuous fast growth. Groupe DANONE, with 150 plants and
around 76 000 employees, has a presence in all five continents and
over 120 countries. In 2007, Groupe DANONE recorded 12.7 billion
euros sales.

Groupe DANONE enjoys leading positions on healthy food on four
businesses: fresh dairy products (ndegrees1 worldwide), waters
(ndegrees 2 on the packaged water market), baby nutrition (ndegrees2
worldwide) and medical nutrition. Listed on Euronext Paris, Groupe
DANONE is also ranked among the main index of social responsibility:
Dow Jones Stoxx and World Sustainability Indices, ASPI Eurozone and
Ethibel Sustainability Index. In 2008, the popular and proven
probiotic fermented dairy product Activia will reach many millions of
consumers globally and will account for well over EUR 2bn in sales.


(1) TNS data. Global consumer study 2006-2007

(2) TNS data. Consumer study 2004.

(3) Guarner F, et al. Map of Digestive Disorders (report by the
WGO-Danone). 2008.

For more information, contact:
Stéphanie Rismont-Wargnier Mitali Rajan
Corporate Communication Groupe Danone Chandler Chicco Agency
T : +33-1-44-35-20-74 T : +44(0)207-632-1996
F : +33-1-44-35-20-54 F : +44(0)207-632-1801
E : stephanie.rismont@danone.com E : m.rajan@cca-uk.com

ots Originaltext: Danone
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Stéphanie Rismont-Wargnier, Corporate Communication Groupe Danone, T
: +33-1-44-35-20-74, F : +33-1-44-35-20-54, E :
stephanie.rismont@danone.com; Mitali Rajan, Chandler Chicco Agency, T
: +44(0)207-632-1996, F : +44(0)207-632-1801, E : m.rajan@cca-uk.com


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