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/C O R R E C T I O N -- MrTed Ltd./

Geschrieben am 05-06-2008

London (ots/PRNewswire) -

In the news release, "MrTed Ltd. Appoints New Country Manager for
UK and Ireland" issued on 2 Jun 2008 11:29 GMT, by MrTed Ltd. over
PR Newswire, we are advised by a representative of the company that
the sixth paragraph, first sentence should have read:

""Based on the recently closed contracts with new customers in
the UK, MrTed is even more convinced the UK/Ireland market is
maturing and evolving to a higher level of strategic sourcing."

rather than:

""Based on the recently closed contracts with new customers in
the UK, such as Tribal and Essex County Council, MrTed is even more
convinced the UK/Ireland market is maturing and evolving to a higher
level of strategic sourcing."

as originally issued inadvertently.
Complete, corrected release follows:

MrTed Ltd., leading solution provider of talent acquisition
solutions, announced today the appointment of Nicholas Adams, as the
new country manager for UK/Ireland. Adams succeeds Jamie Davies, who
will be responsible for the international sales activities of MrTed.

"Nicholas is a talented manager, motivator, and he's deeply
committed to the success of MrTed in the UK and Irish markets," said
Robert Adema, Director Sales and Marketing. "His management, sales
and HCM experience are vital as we see the market maturing".

Nicholas joins MrTed from Softscape where he held the position of
Business Development Director from 2003 to 2008. Nicholas
co-established Softscape's international operation, based out of
London, United Kingdom, and was a key contributor in building the
sales, marketing and account management activities.

Prior to Softscape, Nicholas co-founded an e-learning company,
Training Arts Limited, a pioneer in the provision of remote learning
technologies for Microsoft and Cisco technical certification.

Nicholas has deep experience of the talent management solutions
adopted by global enterprise organisations and feels confident that
MrTed is primed for continued success in this area: "I am delighted
to be able to join the leader in pure play recruitment technology and
I am very impressed already by the calibre of the organisation, both
in its people and its solutions. I look forward to working with a
very talented team in taking the organisation to the next level of
growth and profitability."

"Based on the recently closed contracts with new customers in the
UK, MrTed is even more convinced the UK/Ireland market is maturing
and evolving to a higher level of strategic sourcing. As the market
leader for talent acquisition solutions in RPO and enterprise
e-recruitment, we are more than able to support our customers with
their challenges", stated Adema. "People such as Nicholas fit
perfect in the profile of a MrTed employee. They are the people who
can advise and support our audience based on their own experience.
We are delighted to have Nicholas on board".

Nicholas holds a diploma in Communications, Advertising and
Marketing and a diploma in Business Administration.

To find out more about MrTed Limited, visit

MrTed is the leading global provider of Talent Acquisition
Solutions, designed to help large and corporate enterprises optimize
the complex processes of acquiring and deploying talent on a
worldwide scale. Our Solution suite, MrTedTalentLink(TM) is used by
the world's largest organizations across more than 100 countries,
driving transformation and ambition in staffing talent. Its unique
collaborative environment integrates into any infrastructure and
brings all recruitment stakeholders together in an easy and intuitive
way. All our solutions are web-based, easy-to-use, supported in over
25 languages and can be deployed in a matter of weeks with MrTed's
proven implementation approach and expert consultants.


Press Contacts
Mrs. Peggy Quist-Kruin
MrTed Ltd.
Tel: +31(0)10-750-44-44

ots Originaltext: MrTed
Im Internet recherchierbar:

Press Contacts: Mrs. Peggy Quist-Kruin, MrTed Ltd., Tel:


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