Xantrex strengthens its position in Germany
Geschrieben am 13-06-2008 |
Vancouver, B.C. (ots) - Xantrex Technology Inc. (TSX:XTX) is pleased to announce the founding of its German entity, Xantrex Technology GmbH, located in Berlin Adlershof. The establishment of a German office will strengthen Xantrex's position in the significant German solar market. Xantrex chose Berlin Adlershof for its German office due to the critical mass of renewable energy companies and research organizations in the area.
Xantrex's current Vice President of Wind and European Solar Business, Bernd Kohlstruck, has been appointed as the German Managing Director (Geschaeftsfuehrer) and he will lead Xantrex's European organization in Berlin. Bernd Kohlstruck has moved back to Germany after enjoying seven years working in various positions for Xantrex in the United States.
"Xantrex Technology GmbH will be Xantrex's European headquarters for everything from engineering to sales and service," said Bernd Kohlstruck. "This multi-functional office will enable exceptional service for Xantrex's European customers."
Xantrex's expansion into Germany coincides with the announcement that Xantrex has signed a letter of intent with German electronics manufacturing services provider ml&s. The letter of intent was signed on November 19, 2007, and it commits both parties to manufacture future Xantrex single phase inverters for the European solar market at ml&s facilities in Germany. Project teams from Xantrex and ml&s are working together through the various steps required for a successful manufacturing implementation.
"Working with ml&s will reinforce Xantrex's position in the German solar market," said John R. Wallace, Xantrex CEO. "It is an important step in Xantrex's European expansion plans."
Xantrex solar inverters efficiently convert direct current (DC) power from solar panels into high-quality alternating current (AC) electricity for sale to the utility grid. Xantrex inverters offer premium performance, reliability, value, easy installation, and high power density; making them the preferred choice for an increasing number of renewable energy installers and customers in Europe. The Xantrex European customer service network in Germany and Spain provides installation and commissioning support, product training and a hotline for maintenance service.
Come and visit Xantrex at Intersolar 2008 from June 12-14 at the New Trade Fair Centre in Munich, Germany. Xantrex inverters will be on display at Hall C4 Stand 491.
About Xantrex
Xantrex Technology Inc. ( www.xantrex.com ) is a world leader in the development, manufacturing and marketing of advanced power electronic products and systems for the renewable, programmable, and mobile power markets. The company's products convert and control raw electrical power from any central, distributed, renewable, or backup power source into high-quality power required by electronic and electrical equipment. Xantrex is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, with facilities in Arlington, Livermore, San Diego, and Elkhart, United States; Barcelona, Spain; Reading, England; Berlin, Germany; and a joint venture in Shanghai, China. Xantrex is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "XTX".
Note that this news release contains forward-looking statements related to Xantrex Technology Inc. Such statements reflect the current views of Xantrex with respect to future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in these forward-looking statements. Xantrex and Smart choice for power are trademarks of Xantrex International, registered in the United States and other countries.
Originaltext: Xantrex Technology Inc digital press kits: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/63420 press kits via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_63420.rss2
Contact: Xantrex Media Relations 604-422-2589 mediarelations@xantrex.com
In Europe, please contact: Raquel Espada +34 93 470 53 30 raquel.espada@xantrex.com
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