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euro adhoc: Kapsch TrafficCom AG / Financial Figures/Balance Sheet / Results of Kapsch TrafficCom AG in fiscal year 2007/08

Geschrieben am 18-06-2008

Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
for the content of this announcement.

annual report


Vienna, June 18, 2008 -Kapsch TrafficCom AG (ISIN AT000KAPSCH9),
listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange in the prime market segment,
increased the group's EBITDA by 27% compared to the previous fiscal
year to EUR 39.0 million and EBIT by 30% to EUR 34.9 million, whereas
revenues slightly declined to EUR 185.7 million (2006/07: EUR 198.6
million) in the fiscal year 2007/08 ending 31 March 2008. The EBIT
margin improved considerably from 14% in the previous fiscal year to
19% in 2007/08. The volatility of the project business and the Road
Solution Projects (RSP) segment in particular together with
large-scale projects ultimately not awarded or postponed led to a
decline in revenues in fiscal year 2007/08 compared to the previous
fiscal year, down 6% from EUR 198.6 million to EUR 185.7 million.
Revenues in the RSP segment were down from EUR 105.0 million in the
previous fiscal year to EUR 47.0 million in 2007/08. In line with the
company´s strategic objectives, the performance of the SEC (Services,
System Extensions, Components Sales) segment was particularly strong,
with a 60% increase in revenues from EUR 80.6 million to EUR 128.8
million and an increase in EBIT from EUR 15.8 million to EUR 29.1
million (up 84%). This was primarily attributable to recurring
revenues from the technical and commercial operation of the
nationwide truck tolling system in the Czech Republic and a
significant increase in the volume of components sales, particularly
on-board units (OBUs). At approximately 2.5 million, sales of OBUs
more than doubled from the 1.2 million in the previous fiscal year.
Moreover, bonus payments from the nationwide truck tolling systems in
the Czech Republic and in Austria contributed to this positive
development in this segment. Net assets improved to EUR 28.4 million
as of 31 March 2008 (EUR -12.5 million as of 31 March 2007), although
liabilities were reduced and securities were bought, and total equity
increased to EUR 133.4 million as of 31 March 2008 (31 March 2007:
EUR 45.6 million) with an equity ratio of 45% (31 March 2007: 20%).
In accordance with the positive development of its profitability,
Kapsch TrafficCom also recorded significant growth of 27% in earnings
per share, which increased to EUR 2.60. The managing board will
therefore propose that the shareholders´ meeting to be held on 10
July 2008 resolve a dividend of EUR 0.90 per share, representing a
payout ratio of appr. 35%. The annual report for fiscal year 2007/08
may be downloaded at Investor
Relations/Financial information.

Kapsch TrafficCom is an international supplier of innovative road
traffic telematics solutions. Its principle business is the
development and supply of electronic toll collection (ETC) systems,
in particular for the multi-lane free-flow (MLFF) of the traffic, and
the technical and commercial operation of such systems. Kapsch
TrafficCom also supplies traffic management systems, with a focus on
road safety and traffic control, and electronic access systems and
parking management. With more than 140 installed tolling systems in
30 countries in Europe, Australia, Latin America, in the Middle-East,
in the Asian/Pacific region and in South Africa, and with almost 12
million on-board units (OBUs) and nearly 11,000 equipped lanes,
Kapsch TrafficCom has positioned itself among the leading suppliers
of ETC systems worldwide. Kapsch TrafficCom is headquartered in
Vienna, Austria, and has subsidiaries and representative offices in
20 countries.

This release constitutes neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation
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U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended ("Securities Act")) or
publications with a general circulation in the United States. This
press release does not constitute an offer or invitation to purchase
any securities in the United States. The securities of Kapsch
TrafficCom AG have not been registered under the Securities Act and
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be engaged in only with Relevant Persons.

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: Kapsch TrafficCom AG
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Further inquiry note:

Marcus Handl

Investor Relations

Kapsch TrafficCom AG

Wagenseilgasse 1,1120 Wien, Austria

phone: +43 (0) 50 811 1122

mail: ir.kapschtraffic @

Branche: Technology
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market


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