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Klöckner & Co AG: Business Development better than expected

Geschrieben am 07-07-2008

• Klöckner & Co boosts operating result by 60 percent in first half
of 2008 over last year's level, preliminary results show
• Operating
result for the second quarter nearly 100 percent above the previous
year’s level expected

ots.CorporateNews transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible for
the content of this announcement.

finances/preliminary results

Duisburg (euro adhoc) - Duisburg, July 07, 2008 - As preliminary
figures show, Klöckner & Co achieved a result during the first half
of 2008 that significantly exceeds market expectations, despite a
cooling global economy. The preliminary operating result (Earnings
before interest, taxes, depreciations and amortizations; EBITDA)
totals EUR310 million, about EUR115 million above the same figure
last year of EUR195 million. The driving forces behind this increase
of nearly 60 percent were mainly the successful transformation of
price increases for steel products into higher gross margins and the
contribution of acquired companies. The preliminary operating result
for the second quarter is about EUR200 million, nearly 100 percent
above the previous year´s level of EUR103 million.

Commenting on the company´s performance, Dr. Thomas Ludwig, CEO of
Klöckner & Co AG, said: "Following the extremely successful first
half of 2008, we expect to achieve results during the second half of
the year that will exceed last year´s level. For the entire year, we
expect to generate an operating result that surpasses the present
market expectation of about EUR480 million."

The company´s interim report for the second quarter and the first
half-year 2008 will be released on August 14, 2008 on .

About Klöckner & Co: Klöckner & Co is the largest
producer-independent distributor of steel and metal products in the
European and North American markets combined. The core business of
the Klöckner & Co Group is the storage and distribution of steel and
non-ferrous metals. About 210,000 active customers are supplied
through more than 260 distribution locations in 15 countries in
Europe and North America. During the financial year 2007, the Company
achieved sales of approximately EUR6.3 billion with more than 10,000

The shares of Klöckner & Co Aktiengesellschaft are admitted to
trading on the official market segment (Amtlicher Markt) of the
Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse) with
simultaneous admission to the sub-segment (Prime Standard) to the
official market with further post-admission obligations. ISIN:
DE000KC01000; WKN: KC0100; Common Code: 025808576. Klöckner & Co
shares are listed in the MDax® Index of Deutsche Börse.

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: Klöckner & Co AG
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Further inquiry note:

Peter Ringsleben, Claudia Uhlendorf - Corporate Communications

Peter Ringsleben

Phone: +49-203-307-2800

Fax: +49-203-307-5060


Claudia Uhlendorf

Phone: +49-203-307-2289

Fax: +49-203-307-5103


Claudia Nickolaus - Investor Relations

Phone: +49-203-307-2050

Fax: +49-203-307-5025


Branche: Metal Goods & Engineering
ISIN: DE000KC01000
WKN: KC0100
Index: MDAX, CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Börse Berlin / free trade
Börse Hamburg / free trade
Börse Stuttgart / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Börse München / free trade


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