Klöckner & Co ready for listing on the stock exchange
Geschrieben am 02-06-2006 |
Duisburg (ots) - The steel and metal distribution company, Klöckner & Co AG, is aiming for a listing on the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange before the summer break. This will be subject to a favourable capital market environment. "We have thoroughly examined this step. A direct access to the capital market opens up additional flexibility for the future development of our company", said the Chairman of the Management Board Dr. Thomas Ludwig. The private equity firm Lindsay Goldberg & Bessemer (LGB) plans to keep approx. 50 % of the shares after the IPO.
The company will provide additional details on its IPO plans at a later date.
About Klöckner & Co:
Klöckner & Co is the largest producer-independent steel and metal distributor in the European and North American markets combined. The core business of the Klöckner & Co Group is the storage and distribution of steel and non-ferrous metals. About 200,000 active customers are supplied through approximately 240 distribution locations in 14 countries in Europe and North America.
Klöckner & Co was founded 100 years ago by Peter Klöckner. During the financial year 2005 the company achieved sales of approx. 5 billion Euros with around 10,000 employees. Klöckner & Co AG is controlled 100 per cent by Lindsay Goldberg & Bessemer (LGB).
Originaltext: Klöckner & Co AG digital press kits: http://presseportal.de/story.htx?firmaid=62478 press kits via RSS: feed://presseportal.de/rss/pm_62478.rss2
Contacts: Peter Ringsleben, Claudia Uhlendorf - Corporate communication
Klöckner & Co AG Am Silberpalais 1 47057 Duisburg
Peter Ringsleben Tel: +49-203-307-2800 Fax: +49-203-307-5060 Email: peter.ringsleben@kloeckner.de
Claudia Uhlendorf Tel: +49-203-307-2289 Fax: +49-203-307-5103 Email: claudia.uhlendorf@kloeckner.de
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