
euro adhoc: Goldbach Media AG / Mergers - Acquisitions - Takeovers / Goldbach Media becomes the leading online Advertising sales network in Eastern Europe

Geschrieben am 16-09-2008

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Company Information/Goldbach acquires control of ARBOmedia


Adhoc release

Goldbach acquires control of ARBOmedia, listed in Germany:
Goldbach Media becomes the leading online
Advertising sales network in Eastern Europe

Goldbach Media owns 72.7 % of ARBOmedia - Compulsory purchase offer
of E 9.80 per share planned - Offer price is 47% above the
volume-weighted average price - Plans for rapid development of
Eastern European business

Küsnacht, 16th September 2008. The leading advertising sales house
for private electronic, interactive and mobile media in Switzerland,
Goldbach Media Group, which is also active in Germany, Austria,
Croatia and Slovenia, has acquired control of ARBOmedia. Goldbach
Media Group now holds 72.7% of ARBOmedia, which is listed in Germany.
In accordance with German law, Goldbach will now presents a
compulsory offer to ARBOmedia's remaining shareholders. Goldbach
Media Group intends to offer a price of E 9.80 per share. This
represents a premium of 47% on the average weighted price of ARBO
shares over the last six months. ARBOmedia occupies a leading
position in online advertising in various Eastern Europe countries.
Once it has integrated ARBOmedia's market-leading companies in
Poland, the Czech Republic and Romania, as well as the emerging
business in Russia, Goldbach Media will become the number one
provider of marketing services for online media in Eastern Europe. As
an advertising logistics specialist, Goldbach Media's aim is to build
up its business rapidly in high- growth Eastern European countries in
order to create a comprehensive range of marketing services for
interactive, digital and private electronic media throughout the
whole of Eastern Europe.

Goldbach Media Group, with its companies IP Multimedia, AdLINK, game
mediarep, activeMOBILE, OnEmotion and orange8 interactive, is the
leading advertising sales house for private electronic, interactive
and mobile media in Switzerland. It is also active in Germany and
Austria, and already has an East European presence in Croatia and
Slovenia. By acquiring a majority shareholding, Goldbach Media Group
now has acquired control of ARBOmedia, which is listed in Germany.
Goldbach Media intends to move rapidly to integrate ARBOmedia's
profitable, high-growth online business in Eastern Europe - including

market-leading operations in Poland, the Czech Republic and Romania,
and the emerging business in Russia - with its own sales and
distribution organization. The combination of these businesses with
existing Goldbach companies in Croatia and Romania will make
advertising logistics specialist Goldbach Media the number one
provider of marketing solutions for online media in Eastern Europe.
Its marketing services for online media in these emerging countries
will be expanded to provide a comprehensive range of marketing
solutions, throughout the whole of Eastern Europe. By merging the
Eastern European networks run by Goldbach Media and ARBO media with
AdLINK's Western European network, the company will create the first
pan-European online marketing solutions network.

ARBOmedia enjoys a strong market position in Eastern Europe.
ARBOmedia is an all-media marketing services provider and is active
throughout Europe. It has been listed on the regulated market in
Germany since 2000 and in 2007 it generated revenue of around E 76.6
million with its 497 employees in all types of media. Owing to
exceptional items, the company posted a loss of around E 6.5 million
in 2007. ARBOmedia occupies strong positions in the market for online
media marketing solutions in Eastern Europe. In Poland and the Czech
Republic, ARBOmedia is the number one company for online marketing,
and in Romania the number two. In addition, ARBOmedia owns companies
which are currently just starting up in Russia and Turkey. Online
business grew by an impressive 108% in 2007. For the current 2008
financial year, Goldbach Media expects to see another significant
increase in revenue from ARBOmedia's online business in Eastern
Europe. ARBOmedia owns its own print media, primarily in Romania,
which benefited from strong investment in 2007. Around 70% of its
total workforce is employed in the print sector.

Goldbach Media: success thanks to a focused business model

Employing 189 people, Goldbach Media, which is listed on the SWX
Swiss Exchange, increased revenue by around 19% in 2007 to CHF 237.0
million, while its EBIT went up by about 18% to CHF 17.8 million.
Goldbach Media focuses on advertising sales for interactive, digital,
mobile and private electronic media . In Switzerland Goldbach Media
is the market leader for marketing solutions on the Internet, private
TV and radio stations and on digital signage (adScreens). Goldbach
Media has strengthened its advisory expertise and online offering
over the last year by establishing companies for advertising within
games and gaming platforms, and by acquiring and integrating
businesses in the performance marketing sector. In March 2008,
Goldbach Media acquired online marketing companies in Croatia and
Slovenia. This marked the start of the opening up of Eastern European
markets, which Goldbach had announced as its goal when it first
floated. The integration of server technology

and integrationof the Croatian and Slovenian companies, which have
since been renamed AdLINK Media, into the international network, is
now complete.

Ideally comlementing theleading position in Eastern Europe.

ARBOmedia's online marketing companies, which lead the market in
Poland, the Czech Republic and Romania, and the companies currently
being set up in Russia, provide an ideal complement to Goldbach
Media's online business in Slovenia and Croatia. Together with
ARBOmedia's companies, Goldbach Media will become the number one
provider of marketing services for online media in Eastern Europe.
Thanks to the company's market knowledge, the active participation of
local management in regional marketing companies, and the parent
company's marketing solutions expertise, Goldbach Media expects
rapid, profitable growth in Eastern European markets, as well as a
substantial overall increase in revenue from online business over the
year as whole.

Rapid expansion of Eastern European business planned

Goldbach media hopes that the expected economies of scale resulting
from shared use of cross-border infrastructure for planning, managing
and optimizing digital and interactive advertising will create a
competitive advantage over national and local online marketing
organizations. Goldbach media aims gradually to augment its online
business in Eastern European countries with marketing solutions for
private electronic media (TV, radio, mobile and digital signage
media), and thus to extend its successful Swiss model into emerging
Eastern European markets. Goldbach Media intends to continue building
up its marketing services offering throughout the region to create a
pan-Eastern European network. This Eastern European network dovetails
with the Western European network run by Goldbach Media's partner
AdLINK to form the first pan- European online marketing solutions
network, covering 16 countries. Goldbach Media hopes that this will
provide additional impulses for further growth and development.
ARBOmedia's business units in the print sector in Romania, and its
advertising sales operation for public television stations in the
Czech Republic do not fit into Goldbach Media's focused portfolio.
Profitable or cost-neutral solutions for these units, possibly
involving partnerships and cooperation agreements, will be found
within 24 months at the latest. Activities in Turkey will be
monitored very closely.

Attractive compulsory offer made to remaining shareholders in
ARBOmedia - Goldbach Media owns 72.7% of ARBOmedia

Goldbach Ost GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of Goldbach Media Group today
acquired the majority of shares in ARBOmedia AG, which is listed in
Germany. Goldbach now holds 72.7%.

Goldbach Ost is legally obliged to make a public offer to ARBOmedia
AG's shareholders. It is offering these shareholders the same price
of E 9.80 in cash that it paid to the founding shareholders when it
acquired the controlling majority. This offer price is about 47%
higher than the volume-weighted average price over the previous thre
months. Goldbach Ost has appointed Sal. Oppenheim jr. & Cie. KGaA to
work on the offer.

"As the no. 1 provider of online marketing solutions, we want to
profit from the accelerated growth potential in advertising and the
generally high growth of East European markets," says Klaus Kappeler,
CEO of Goldbach Media. "In the online business we expect a
substantial increase in revenue in 2009 as well as a
disproportionately large rise in EBIT from this region. We also want
to move quickly into other attractive Eastern European markets where
the Goldbach Media Group is not yet present, either through organic
expansion or, if the right opportunities arise, through

" We are convinced that our online business will benefit from the
competence and know-how of the Godbach Media Group" says Alexander
Sigl, Chief Marketing and Sales Officer ARBOmedia. "This is why the
Managent Board of ARBOmedia supports the share purchase offer by
Godbach Media and recomments that the shareholders of ARBOmedia take
advantage of it."

Information for investors, analysts and journalists . Telephone
conference for media and analysts, today 16 September from 1 p.m.
to 1.30 p.m. The CEO of Goldbach Media, Klaus Kappeler, and CFO
Mario Hrastnig will explain the reasons for the acquisition.
Analysts and investors who want to ask questions are asked to
register by 12.45 p.m. by calling +41 91 610 56 00.

A presentation can be downloaded as a PDF file from
www.goldbachmedia.ch . Media briefing, today 16 September 2008, 2.30
p.m. to 3.30 p.m. Presented by

o Klaus Kappeler, CEO Goldbach Media
o Mario Hrastnig, CFO Goldbach Media
o Dr. H. Albrecht, co-founder and co-owner of ARBOmedia
o Olaf F. Bergner, CFO ARBOmedia
at the SWX Convention Point in the SWX Swiss Stock Exchange, Selnaustrasse
30, 8001 Zurich

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: Goldbach Media AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Paul Riesen

CMO Head of Marketing & Communications

Tel. +41 44 914 91 63

Mobile: +41 79 688 24 74

Fax: +41 44 914 93 60


Branche: Media
ISIN: CH0004870942
WKN: 487094
Börsen: SWX Swiss Exchange / official dealing


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