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ItN Nanovation starts IPO roadshow

Geschrieben am 08-06-2006

Offer period may begin June 19

ots-CorporateNews transmitted by euro adhoc.
The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.

June 8. ItN Nanovation AG is marketing its shares to the general
public as of today. "ItN Nanovation is one of the few nanotechnology
companies that has already established products on the market and is
about to make a global roll-out. We consider our business model to be
outstanding: we produce nanoparticles on an industrial scale and
process them to ceramic products", says Chief Executive Officer Dr
Tillmann C. Lauk.

The pricing is subject to a decoupled bookbuilding process with the
price range being set and published in the course of the Management
Roadshow. The offer period is scheduled from 19 to 21 June 2006.
First day of trading is planned for 22 June 2006.

On the basis of the current share capital of 4,001,284 shares, the
offer contains up to 1,380,442 shares. Thereof, 1,200,385 shares
result from a capital increase against cash contributions. In
addition, up to 180,057 shares derive from a greenshoe option. These
shares are coming from a capital increase too.

Prior to the IPO, approximately two thirds of the ItN Nanovation
shares are held by financial investors (e.g. Nanostart AG and
TechnoStart). The founders, the management and the employees hold the
residual one third of the Company's shares. At the time of the IPO,
the existing shareholders will not sell any of their ItN Nanovation

ItN Nanovation AG’s shares will be listed in the Prime Standard at
Frankfurt Stock Exchange with the ISIN DE000A0JL461. The offer
includes a public offering in Germany and an international private
placement outside both Germany and the USA.

ItN Nanovation has mandated Commerzbank and HypoVereinsbank to act as
joint lead managers and joint bookrunners.

The prospectus for the IPO was approved by the German Federal
Supervisory Authority (BaFin) 7 June 2006 and has been published on
the ItN Nanovation website ( A printed
version of the prospectus is also available from ItN Nanovation AG
and the joint lead managers.

In the 2005 fiscal year, ItN Nanovation increased sales by 21.4 per
cent, from EUR 4.0 million in the previous year to EUR 4.8 million.
Earnings from ordinary business operations improved from EUR -2.5
million to EUR -2.2 million.

About ItN Nanovation:

ItN Nanovation AG is one of the leading international nanotechnology
companies. It develops innovative ceramic products, such as coatings
for large industrial customers and filter systems. The nanoscale
powder needed for this purpose is manufactured by the company itself.
? ItN Nanovation was established in 2000 and has more than 60
employees today. The company’s success is attributable to an
extensive patent portfolio as well as to comprehensive development
and application know-how.


This publication is not an offer to sell, nor a solicitation to
purchase securities. The offer will be made exclusively through and
on the basis of a securities prospectus to be published.

The Information contained herein is not for publication or
distribution in the United States. The material set forth herein is
for informational purposes only and is not intended, and should not
be construed, as an offer of securities for sale into the United
States. The securities of ItN described herein have not been and will
not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended
(the "Securities Act"), or the laws of any State, and may not be
offered or sold within the United States, except pursuant to an
exemption front, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration
requirements of the Securities Act and applicable State laws. No
money, securities or other consideration is being solicited and, if
sent in response to the Information contained herein, will not be

end of announcement euro adhoc 08.06.2006 10:58:20

ots Originaltext: ItN Nanovation AG
Im Internet recherchierbar:

Further inquiry note:
Andreas Kuntz
Public Relations Manager
Tel.: +49 (0)681 5001 467

Branche: Inorganic chemicals
ISIN: DE000A0JL461
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / admission applied: official


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