
euro adhoc: Leonardo Venture GmbH & Co. KGaA / Earnings Forecast / Write-downs on portfolio lead to substantial loss at Leonardo Venture in 2008

Geschrieben am 19-11-2008

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for the content of this announcement.

Litigation & Regulations


- Shareholdings in NanoCompound Holding AG and Rösler miniDaT GmbH
written down in full - Supervisory Board preparing claim for damages
against former managing directors - Publication of Q2 and Q3 figures
on 15 December 2008

Leonardo Venture GmbH & Co. KGaA will perform depreciation on its
portfolio to the amount of at least EUR 10.7 million. This is the
result of an intensive review of the majority of the portfolio
companies by the Supervisory Board and Steffen Paul, who was
appointed authorized representative following the resignation of the
two managing directors of Leonardo Venture Capital GmbH - Prof. Dr.
Hans-Georg Köglmayr and Prof. Dr. Udo Wupperfeld.

The analysis of the shareholdings has revealed that the economic
situation of the portfolio companies NanoCompound Holding AG and
Rösler miniDaT GmbH requires that these shareholdings be written down
in full. NanoCompound Holding AG has - in contrast to the reporting
by the two former managing directors - massive problems with respect
to the strategic and operative business development, which has led to
a complete lack of liquidity. At Rösler miniDaT GmbH the analysis of
the business model showed that the company has positioned itself as a
pure sales organisation without internal technology development,
which does not justify the previous valuation. Therefore a complete
write-down of the shareholding has been decided.

Moreover, the supplemental analysis of the remaining shareholdings is
about to be finished. However, there is a considerably lower need for
depreciation expected. The results of this analysis will be published

The forthcoming write-downs on the portfolio will lead to a
significant loss at Leonardo Venture GmbH & Co. KGaA in 2008.

As a consequence of the incorrect information on the value of
individual shareholdings and their business development, as well as
other serious misconduct in company management, the Supervisory Board
has decided to file a claim for damages against the general partner
Leonardo Venture Capital GmbH and the two former managing directors
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Köglmayr and Prof. Dr. Udo Wupperfeld

As a result of the comprehensive review of the portfolio and the
time-consuming investigation of the breach of duty of the management
of Leonardo Venture Capital GmbH, the dates for the publication of
the 2008 half-year report and the report on the third quarter of 2008
have been postponed. The half-year report as well as the report on
the third quarter will now be published on 15 December 2008. Further
information on the current situation of the company, on the portfolio
and on the outlook will be given in the quarterly reports. In
addition, the 2008 annual general meeting will probably be postponed
until the second half of February 2009. At the annual general meeting
the Supervisory Board and the management will not only present the
business figures, but will also discuss the future strategic
orientation of the company in detail.

In addition to the analysis of the existing portfolio, the
Supervisory Board and management of the company are currently
examining promising investment options. The objective is that of
getting Leonardo Venture back on course and conducting strategic
reorientation by utilizing the current good market opportunities in
the venture capital sector.

About Leonardo Venture GmbH & Co. KGaA Leonardo Venture is a Venture
Capital financier that focuses on companies dealing in the areas of
health and life quality enhancement in Germany and German speaking
countries abroad. Leonardo Venture invests as an "early stage"
financier with its own resources in companies. Thereby investing not
only its capital but also providing its know how, contacts and its

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: Leonardo Venture GmbH & Co. KGaA
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Sandra Schwarz

Telefon: +49 (0) 621 833 7515

E-Mail: schwarz@leonardoventure.de

Branche: Financial & Business Services
ISIN: DE0005878763
WKN: 587876
Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard


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