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Oremex Launches Diamond Drilling Program

Geschrieben am 15-06-2006

Vancouver, Canada (ots/PRNewswire) - Oremex Resources Inc. (TSXV
symbol - ORM) (the "Company"). Oremex Resources announces the
commencement of a diamond drilling program at its Tejamen silver
property in Durango, Mexico. The purpose of the diamond drilling is
to provide larger size samples for metallurgical testing and rock
mechanics as inputs to the determination of the economics related to
an open-pit heap-leach mine. The diamond drilling is also designed to
provide additional confirmation of the mineralization delineated by
the extensive reverse circulation drilling program that established a
50,000,000 ounce silver resource (in the inferred category, based on
the NI 43-101 report). Furthermore, some of the diamond drilling will
involve deeper holes to determine the extent of the mineralization,
since many of the reverse circulation ("RC") holes ended in
relatively high grade silver zones.

Metallurgical testing to date has been conducted on cuttings from
the RC drill holes, with favorable results (up to 78% metallurgical
recoveries). However, RC drill cuttings are generally less than one
quarter of an inch in size, and the diamond drilling will provide
larger-sized pieces of rock for further testing.

In addition to the metallurgical work, the diamond drill core will
provide fresh rock for rock mechanics testing to assist in the
estimate of pit slopes for mine design purposes. As a result, strip
ratios (waste to ore ratios) will be determined at a variety of
cut-off grades, this enabling the estimation of required mining
equipment and related costs.

The diamond drilling program will be conducted at both the Cerro
Prieto and Los Mantos areas, with the first phase involving about ten
drill holes, with a total length of about 2,500 meters. Core from the
drill holes will be composited to represent the anticipated general
grade of the deposit as it is expected to be mined. Oremex plans to
conduct two column leach tests on the composite samples.

About Oremex Resources Inc.

Oremex Resources Inc. ( is a Vancouver based
resource company that is actively developing two of its six silver
properties in Mexico. Oremex management are experienced in
exploration and mining, with expertise in the development and
operation of mines.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed or does not accept
responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This
news release may contain forward-looking statements including but
not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming
work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property
titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking
statements address future events and conditions and, therefore,
involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ
materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.

ots Originaltext: Oremex Resources Inc.
Im Internet recherchierbar:

For further information: Don Smith CA MBA, CFO, Telephone:
+1-(604)-683-5651, Fax: +1-(604)-630-0141, or send questions and
comments to:


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