euro adhoc: Salzgitter AG / Veröffentlichung gemäß § 26 WpHG Abs. 1 Satz 1 mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung
Geschrieben am 19-12-2008 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stimmrechtsmitteilung übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit dem Ziel einer europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent verantwortlich. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Angaben zum Mitteilungspflichtigen: ----------------------------------- Name: The Children’s Investment Fund Management (UK) LLP Sitz: London, W1S 2WE Staat: United Kingdom
Angaben zum Emittenten: ----------------------- Name: Salzgitter AG Adresse: Eisenhüttenstraße 99, 38239 Salzgitter Sitz: Salzgitter Staat: Deutschland
The Company The Children´s Investment Fund Management (UK) LLP, London, United Kingdom, informed us in authorization of the following Notifying Entities: 1. The Children´s Investment Master Fund, Grand Cayman, Grand Cayman Islands, 2. The Children´s Investment Fund Management (UK) LLP, London, United Kingdom, 3. The Children´s Investment Fund Management Ltd., London, United Kingdom, 4. The Children´s Investment Fund Management (Cayman) Ltd., Grand Cayman, Grand Cayman Islands, 5. Mr. Christopher Hohn, United Kingdom by written note dated 16th of December 2008 as follows:
"Voting Rights Notice (Stimmrechtsmitteilung) pursuant to Sec. 21 WpHG"
We have been authorized by the other Notifying Entities to make voting right notifications on their behalf.
1. We hereby give notice, pursuant to Sec. 21 para. 1 of the WpHG that on 8 December 2008, the voting interest of The Children`s Investment Master Fund in Salzgitter AG fell below the 3 % threshold and on the same day amounted to 2.88 % (1,733,056 voting rights). These 2.88 % (1,733,056 voting rights) are attributed to The Children´s Investment Master Fund in accordance with Sec. 22 para. 1 sentence 1 No. 2 of the WpHG.
2. We hereby give notice, pursuant to Sec. 21 para. 1 of the WpHG that on 8 December 2008, the voting interest of The Children`s Investment Fund Management (UK) LLP in Salzgitter AG fell below the 3 % threshold and on the same day amounted to 2.88 % (1,733,056 voting rights). These 2,88 % (1,733,056 voting rights) are attributed to The Children`s Investment Fund Management (UK) LLP in accordance with Sec. 22 para. 1 sentence 1 No. 6 of the WpHG.
3. We hereby give notice, pursuant to Sec, 21 para.. 1 of the WpHG that on 8 December 2008, the voting interest of The Children`s Investment Fund Management Ltd. in Salzgitter AG fell below the 3 % threshold and on the same day amounted to 2.88 % (1,733,056 voting rights). These 2,88 % (1,733,056 voting rights) are attributed to The Children`s Investment Fund Management Ltd. in accordance with Sec. 22 para. 1 sentence 1 No. 6 in connection with Sec. 22 para. 1 sentence 2 of the WpHG.
4. We hereby give notice, pursuant to Sec. 21 para. 1 of the WpHG that on 8 December 2008, the voting interest of The Children`s Investment Fund Management (Cayman) Ltd. in Salzgitter AG fell below the 3 % threshold and on the same day amounted to 2.88 % (1,733,056 voting rights). These 2,88 % (1,733,056 voting rights) are attributed to The Children`s Investment Fund Management (Cayman) Ltd. in accordance with Sec. 22 para. 1 sentence 1 No. 6 in connection with Sec. 22 para. 1 sentence 2 of the WpHG.
5. We hereby give notice, pursuant to Sec. 21 para. 1 of the WpHG that on 8 December 2008, the voting interest of Mr Christopher Hohn in Salzgitter AG fell below the 3 % threshold and on the same day amounted to 2.88 % (1,733,056 voting rights). These 2.88 % (1,733,056 voting rights) are attributed to Mr Christopher Hohn in accordance with Sec. 22 para. 1 sentence 1 No. 6 in connection with Sec. 22 para. 1 sentence 2 of the WpHG."
Salzgitter, 19. Dezember 2008 Der Vorstand
Ende der Mitteilung euro adhoc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: Salzgitter AG Im Internet recherchierbar:
Branche: Stahl/Eisen ISIN: DE0006202005 WKN: 620200 Index: Midcap Market Index, MDAX, CDAX, Classic All Share, HDAX, Prime All Share Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / Regulierter Markt/Prime Standard Börse Berlin / Freiverkehr Börse Hamburg / Freiverkehr Börse Stuttgart / Freiverkehr Börse Düsseldorf / Freiverkehr Börse München / Freiverkehr Börse Hannover / Regulierter Markt
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