Mobile Social Networking Driving Growth of the Mobile Internet in Europe, According to comScore
Geschrieben am 29-01-2009 |
London (ots/PRNewswire) -
- One Third of European Mobile Social Networking Users Access Social Media Exclusively
comScore, Inc. (Nasdaq: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, reports that social networking is drawing new users into the mobile Web. In November, 34 percent of mobile phone owners in Western Europe who visited social networking sites accessed social media exclusive of all other mobile Web content.
With 12.1 million users in Western Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the U.K.), mobile social networking is a rapidly-expanding category that grew 152 percent from November 2007 to November 2008. The U.K. boasts the highest penetration of mobile social networking, at 9 percent, nearly triple that of Germany, where the activity is the least popular. The average penetration rate across all countries is 5 percent.
Mobile Social Networking Usage Three-month Average Ending November 2008 European Mobile Phone Owners (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK) Source: comScore M:Metrics % Mobile Social Mobile Social Networking Users Y/Y Change in Social Networking Users as Who Exclusively Use Networking via Browser Percent of all Mobile Social Media or Application Phone Users Germany 39.1% 145% 3.3% Spain 46.5% 114% 5.0% France 21.6% 167% 4.5% Italy 38.2% 151% 4.7% UK 29.7% 167% 9.2% Total 33.5% 152% 5.4%
"A large portion of the growth in the mobile Internet audience can be attributed to social networking," observed Alistair Hill, analyst, comScore M:Metrics. "In the UK, for example, the audience of those accessing news and information, but not social networking services, with their mobile browser or an application grew by 149,000 unique users, whereas the number of those exclusively accessing social networking grew by six times that number in the past year."
Mobile Social Networking Heavier Among Females
comScore also analyzed the demographics of social media users in Europe, and found that those who use social networking exclusive of other mobile Internet content skew more female than those who consume other forms of mobile Internet content. Women comprise 48 percent of the audience accessing only social media, but only 32 percent of those who access other types of mobile Internet content. In addition, the median age for social media-only users is 28, versus 36 for other mobile Internet users.
"This development is encouraging for the future of the mobile Internet," commented Hill. "Social networking is taking the mobile Internet out of the early adopter demographic, and into the mainstream."
comScore M:Metrics also released the results of its Mobile Benchmark Study. Social networking and e-mail usage posted some of the largest gains, while playing downloaded games and watching video dipped in most European markets.
comScore Mobile Benchmark Study Three-month average ending November 2008 and % Change Vs Year Ago (% Users Measure is Based on All Mobile Phone Users) European Mobile Subscribers (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) Source: comScore M:Metrics Germany Spain France Italy UK % % % % % % % % % % Activity Users Change Users Change Users Change Users Change Users Change Watched video 5% 2% 8% 0% 6% -7% 7% -4% 4% -27% Listened to music 20% -2% 23% -1% 17% -3% 17% -2% 22% -1% Accessed news/info via browser 9% 10% 10% 10% 14% 5% 10% 5% 19% 5% Received SMS ads 27% 0% 75% 5% 64% -1% 54% 2% 36% 0% Played downloaded game 8% -2% 10% -6% 4% -14% 8% -5% 10% -4% Accessed downloaded application 4% 25% 5% 26% 3% 16% 6% 12% 6% 17% Sent/ received photos or videos 23% 0% 31% -3% 25% -6% 30% -5% 30% -2% Purchased ringtones 4% 10% 4% 2% 3% -8% 4% 6% 3% 4% Used email 9% 7% 11% -1% 9% 11% 12% 2% 12% 12% Accessed social networking sites 3% 25% 5% 33% 5% 20% 5% 33% 9% 12%
About comScore
comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) is a global leader in measuring the digital world and preferred source of digital marketing intelligence. For more information, please visit
ots Originaltext: comScore Networks Im Internet recherchierbar:
Contact: Jaimee Steele of comScore, Inc., +1-206-757-1360,; Photo:
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