euro adhoc: Demag Cranes AG / Release of a voting rights announcement according to article 26, section 1.1 WpHG (Securities Trading Act) with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution
Geschrieben am 02-03-2009 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notification of voting rights transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Person/company obliged to make the notification: ------------------------------------------------ Name: see below Place: see below State: see below
Company data: ------------- Name: Demag Cranes AG Address: Forststrasse 16, 40597 Düsseldorf Place: Düsseldorf State: Deutschland
Notification pursuant to sec. 26 para. 1 WpHG
JPMorgan Chase&Co. New York, USA informed us pursuant to sec. 21 para. 1 of the WpHG that on 23rd February 2009 the voting rights of JPMorgan Chase&Co. in Demag Cranes AG, Düsseldorf, Germany have fallen below the threshold of 5 percent and amounted to 4.81 percent (1,018,979 shares) in relation to all shares of the respective voting shares. All voting rights are attributed pursuant to sec. 22 para. 1 sent. 1 no. 6 in connection with sentence 2 of the WpHG.
JPMorgan Asset Management Holdings Inc., New York, USA informed us pursuant to sec. 21 para. 1 of the WpHG that on 23rd February 2009 the voting rights of JPMorgan Asset Management Holdings Inc. in Demag Cranes AG, Düsseldorf, Germany have fallen below the threshold of 5 percent and amounted to 4.81 percent (1,018,979 shares) in relation to all shares of the respective voting shares. All voting rights are attributed pursuant to sec. 22 sub-section 1 sent. 1 no. 6 in connection with sentence 2 of the WpHG.
Dusseldorf, 02 March 2009
Board of Management
end of announcement euro adhoc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: Demag Cranes AG Im Internet recherchierbar:
Further inquiry note:
Branche: Machine Manufacturing ISIN: DE000DCAG010 WKN: DCAG01 Index: MDAX, CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard Börse Berlin / free trade Börse Hamburg / free trade Börse Stuttgart / free trade Börse Düsseldorf / free trade Börse München / free trade
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