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Atmel's AT91CAP Customizable Microcontroller Provides Low-cost Migration Path to High-volume ASICs

Geschrieben am 31-03-2009

Rousset, France (ots/PRNewswire) -

- Netlist Re-Targeting Reduces Design Cost, No Royalties on Atmel
IP Blocks, Low Royalties on Third-Party IPs, Low Mask Costs on
Mature Process Technology

Atmel(R) Corporation (Nasdaq: ATML) announced today a low-cost
re-targeting flow for migrating designs from its low entry-cost
AT91CAP ARM(R)-based customizable microcontrollers to its ASICs that
minimize unit cost in high volume. This flow, based on automated
netlist re-targeting that preserves system functionality, enables
customers to benefit from the low development costs and rapid
prototype availability of the CAP(TM) and then, once the product has
been proved in its application, transition it to a high-volume,
unit-cost-optimized ASIC at minimal additional cost and risk.

Atmel provides all its internally-developed IP blocks that are
implemented in the CAP fixed architecture or metal programmable block
at no charge, and is able to offer competitive prices on third-party
IPs because they are supplied to multiple customers. This provides a
wide range of pre-qualified functionality, ranging from standard
network/connectivity IPs for Ethernet, USB, and CAN, to leading-edge
wireless communications and data compression technologies such as UWB
and H.264 in the coming months. In addition, the mature process
technology that Atmel uses to manufacture its ASICs brings the
benefit of low mask costs. Taken together, these factors
significantly reduce the cost of development of a high-volume,
microcontroller-based system-on-chip that is optimized for a single

Michel Le Lan, Atmel's Marketing Director for ASICs, commented,
"The current economic crisis is exerting enormous downward pressure
on costs. Atmel is responding to this situation by providing a
low-entry-cost product, the CAP customizable microcontroller, which
enables customers to bring their innovative products to market in
spite of the difficult circumstances. They can cost-effectively
develop and sell their CAP-based products in medium volumes, and
then, as we emerge from the crisis, ramp these products into volume
at minimal additional cost and risk. This gives Atmel and its growing
community of CAP customers a strategy for the present and a roadmap
for the future."

Availability and Price

Atmel's CAP-to-ASIC re-targeting flow is available now. Typical
NRE cost, covering netlist re-targeting, Place&Route, mask
manufacture, prototype fabrication, test and packaging in 130nm
technology is less than US$300K.

About Atmel

Atmel is a worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of
microcontrollers, advanced logic, mixed-signal, nonvolatile memory
and radio frequency (RF) components. Leveraging one of the industry's
broadest intellectual property (IP) technology portfolios, Atmel is
able to provide the electronics industry with complete system
solutions focused on consumer, industrial, security, communications,
computing and automotive markets.

(c) 2009 Atmel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Atmel(R), Atmel
logo and combinations thereof, and others, are registered trademarks,
and CAP(TM) and others are trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its
subsidiaries. ARM(R) is a registered trademark of ARM Ltd. Other
terms and product names may be trademarks of others.


Atmel's AT91CAP product information may be retrieved at:

Press Contacts:
Peter Bishop, Communications Manager, Atmel Rousset
Tel: +33-(0)4-42-53-61-50, Email:
Helen Perlegos, Public Relations
Tel: +1-408-487-2963, Email:

ots Originaltext: Atmel Corporation
Im Internet recherchierbar:

Peter Bishop, Communications Manager of Atmel Rousset,
+33-(0)4-42-53-61-50,, or Helen Perlegos,
Public Relations of Atmel, +1-408-487-2963,


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