EANS-Adhoc: Reshaping of shaPE Capital AG - Disposal of partnership interests, update on
share buyback program and temporary fee reduction
Geschrieben am 08-04-2009 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pfaeffikon SZ, 8 April 2009
Disposal of limited partnership interests
shaPE Capital AG (the "Company") announced today that it has entered into a final agreement to sell 15 partnership interests, managed by nine different General Partners. The funds sold represent roughly 25 percent of the existing investments. Through the disposal the Company generates a substantial cash position and reduces the open commitments. In addition, the transaction results in a rebalancing of the portfolio in line with the previously communicated investment strategy: The remaining core portfolio will have a further reduced exposure to the large buyout and to the venture capital segment whereas the exposure to small and medium sized buyouts as well as to the "Rest of World" segment will increase.
Update share buyback program
Under the share buyback program the Company recently reported holdings of own shares of 5.745 percent. The generated cash and reduced open commitment will allow the Company to continue with buying back further shares. The Board of Directors of the Company intends to propose the destruction of these shares on the occasion of the upcoming annual shareholders´ meeting on 19 May 2009.
Temporary fee reduction
In an effort to demonstrate its continuous support of the Company in these turbulent times, the Investment Manager of shaPE, Horizon21 Private Equity (Cayman) Ltd., has offered to waive half of the management fees earned in the financial year 2009.
end of ad-hoc-announcement ========================================== ====================================== shaPE Capital AG (“shaPE”) is an investment company domiciled in Pfaeffikon SZ that follows the principle of a fund of funds and provides access to private equity investments. Diversified by regions, investment stages and vintage years, shaPE invests in globally selected private equity companies. shaPE was founded in 2001 and is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange under the ticker symbol “SHPN”.
end of announcement euro adhoc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: shaPE Capital AG Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de
Further inquiry note:
Dr. Simon Lamprecht
shaPE Capital AG
Poststrasse 4
8808 Pfäffikon SZ
Tel: +41/55/415'28'20
E-Mail: simon.lamprecht@horizon21.com
Internet: www.shape-capital.com
Branche: Financial & Business Services ISIN: CH0012885841 WKN: 765355 Börsen: SWX Swiss Exchange / official dealing
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