
EANS-News: Meinl Airports International Ltd. / AI Airports International Extraordinary General Meetings Approve All Resolutions by an Overwhelming Majority

Geschrieben am 22-04-2009

Board of Directors authorised to return free cash – No further
investments – Sale of portfolio of assets approved – New internal
management structure – Only Meinl Bank AG voted against Amendments to
Memorandum of Association

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.


St, Helier Jersey (euro adhoc) - AI Airports International
Extraordinary General Meetings Approve All Resolutions by an
Overwhelming Majority Board of Directors authorised to return free
cash - No further investments - Sale of portfolio of assets approved
- New internal management structure - Only Meinl Bank AG voted
against Amendments to Memorandum of Association

Jersey/Vienna, April 22, 2009 - All proposed resolutions on the
agenda of the two extraordinary general meetings (EGMs) of AI
Airports International held today, Wednesday, in Vienna, were
approved by an overwhelming majority of certificate holders. The
legally stipulated two-thirds majority of certificate holders
represented at the first EGM approved all the formal pre-requisites
required as the basis for authorising the Board of Directors to
return the cash and cash equivalents at the disposal of the company
to certificate holders. These pre-requisites are related to
resolutions concerning converting the par value bearer shares into no
par value bearer shares, revisions to the Articles of Association and
a change in the Memorandum of Association. The special resolutions
regarding the Amendments to Memorandum of Association were approved
by 99.99% of the present certificates represented by approximately
120 certificate holders. Only Meinl Bank AG voted against these
special resolutions. As soon as the required formal consent of the
resolutions approved by the EGM has been granted by the Jersey
Financial Services Commission in accordance with Jersey Law, the
company will take the first step and distribute EUR 3.50 per
certificate to certificate holders. This was confirmed during the
first EGM by Wolfgang Vilsmeier, Chairman of the Board of Directors
of AI Airports International. Furthermore, the obligatory two-thirds
majority of certificate holders approved an immediate stop to all
investments, as well as the commercial realisation (i.e. sale or
disposal) of the existing portfolio of assets. The second EGM also
approved the change of the company´s name to AI Airports
International Limited. The EGM elected Murdoch McKillop as a new
member of the Board of Directors, whose composition was adapted to
reflect the strategic direction resolved by the EGM. In the future,
no new projects will be implemented, and the focus will be on
optimally disposing of assets. For this reason, all the members of
the Board of Directors will be "non-executive" members, with the
exception of Jim Shinehouse, who will perform the newly created
function of a Managing Director. Wolfgang Vilsmeier will remain
Chairman of the Board of Directors. Hans-Peter Dohr will switch from
his previous Board function to the operational management as Chief
Operating Officer of AI Airports International. Björn Pirrwitz and
Fred Duswald have resigned from their positions on the Board of
Directors. Detailed information on voting results for the individual
resolutions will be published on the website of the company.

Further information about AI Airports International is available at

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: Meinl Airports International Ltd.
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Investor Relations and Public Relations

Hochegger Financial Relations GmbH,

Dieter Riedlinger,

T: +43 1 504 69 87 344,

M: d.riedlinger@hochegger.com

Branche: Real Estate
ISIN: AT0000A053N4
Index: other listings
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / Third Market


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