
Harvey Nash Offshore Software Services Receives Two Prestigious Awards for Vietnam Contribution

Geschrieben am 24-04-2009

Hanoi, Vietnam (ots/PRNewswire) -

- Harvey Nash Wins Coveted 'Sao Khue Awards'

Harvey Nash today earned distinction from the government of
Vietnam, who presented the company with two awards. The first, for
'export excellence', recognises Harvey Nash's success in providing
expert software development services from Vietnam to customers in the
United Kingdom, Europe and United States. The second, for
'outstanding process and methodology', highlights the company's
technical and commercial achievements in running its Vietnamese
operations. Global Managing Director, Outsourcing and Offshore
Software Development at Harvey Nash , Paul Smith travelled to, and
personally accepted the award in Hanoi and reiterated Harvey Nash's
commitment to helping Vietnam's ICT-based economy.

The awards ceremony, hosted by the Vietnam Software Association
(VINASA), honours organisations that have helped develop and champion
Vietnam's software industry. Vietnam's Vice Minister of Industry and
Trade (MIT) presented the awards and praised the significant
contribution that Harvey Nash has made to further the country's
socio-economic development.

Earlier this year, Harvey Nash announced a EUR 54 million deal
with Alcatel-Lucent to expand its operations in Vietnam and provide
next generation wireless research and development solutions to
clients from around the world. This partnership created over 200
high-tech jobs for the country and cemented its commitment to growing
and shaping the ICT industry in Vietnam by producing software for
clients all over the world, including the UK, Europe and US.

Marc Voss, Managing Director, Harvey Nash Vietnam, added: "The
dynamism and ambition of Vietnam has been a marvel to witness over
the years. We are committed to working closely with our staff in
Vietnam - providing training and enabling skills transfer - to
continue on a path of quality and excellence in all that we do for
local and international customers."

Commenting on the double award win, Paul Smith, Global Managing
Director, Outsourcing and Offshore Software Development at Harvey
Nash plc said: "Harvey Nash has been working in Vietnam for more than
nine years and everyday we strive to exceed the high expectations of
our employees, customers and other stakeholders. As such, we are
honoured to receive these awards and are pleased to have earned
validation from an organisation as respected as VINASA."

Notes to Editors

About Harvey Nash

Harvey Nash, a global professional recruitment consultancy and IT
outsourcing service provider, is committed to delivering the very
best talent and IT solutions to a broad base of international
clients. The Group is a trusted advisor to some of the world's
leading business, governments and institutions. Operating from 38
offices covering the USA, Europe and Asia, its talented professionals
pursue the highest levels of integrity and quality in providing a
unique portfolio of services: executive search, interim management,
IT and finance recruitment and IT outsourcing.

Harvey Nash Offshore Software Development and Outsourcing has
five development hubs around the world, two in Vietnam (one in Ha Noi
and one in HCMC), one in London (United Kingdom), one in Nuremberg,
Germany and one in Atlanta (United States). Harvey Nash acquired
Silkroad, a leading technology and software development company, and
Techdiscovery a US-based IT Consulting and development business in

Media Relations contacts:
Helen Bloxham
Firefly Communications
Andy Bookless
Harvey Nash

ots Originaltext: Harvey Nash
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Media Relations contacts: Helen Bloxham, Firefly Communications,
harveynashteam@fireflycomms.com, +44(0)20-7386-1404,
+44(0)7866-972-668; Andy Bookless, Harvey Nash,
andy.bookless@harveynash.com, +44(0)20-7333-2665


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