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China Mobile, China Telecom and Alcatel-Lucent Sign USD 1.7 Billion Framework Agreements for 2009

Geschrieben am 28-04-2009

Washington (ots/PRNewswire) -

Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) today announced
that it has inked two framework agreements valued USD 1.7 billion in
total with China Mobile and China Telecom, to provide network
upgrades, integration and maintenance services in 2009. As the
leading operators in China, China Mobile and China Telecom were
granted 3G licenses in January 2009, for TD-SCDMA and CDMA/EV-DO
technologies, respectively. The agreements were secured through
Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Alcatel-Lucent's Chinese flagship

The contracts were signed today in Washington D.C. in the
presence of Li Yue, Vice President of China Mobile, Wu Andi, Chief
Financial Officer of China Telecom and Mary Chan, President,
Alcatel-Lucent's 4G/LTE end-to-end solutions and Dave Geary,
President of Alcatel-Lucent's Wireline networks activities.

Under an agreement valued approximately USD 1 billion with China
Mobile Alcatel-Lucent will provide its industry-leading GSM/EDGE
solutions, TD-SCDMA wireless networking equipment, optical,
microwave and IP transmission offerings, IP service routers,
application platforms and related services.

In a comparable agreement with China Telecom, valued at
approximately USD 700 million, Alcatel-Lucent will supply its 3G
CDMA/EV-DO networking equipment, application platforms, optical and
IP transmission platforms, IP service routers and network
maintenance services to support the rollout of the company's 3G
wireless broadband network.

Leveraging Alcatel-Lucent's industry leading technologies and
solutions, China Mobile and China Telecom will be able to further
enhance their network capacity and performance, helping them provide
end-users with a wide variety of high-quality mobile services.

"We are honoured to have been selected as a major provider of
cutting-edge solutions for China Mobile and China Telecom.
Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell is fully committed to supporting their
rapid transformation to 3G, and their smooth evolution to LTE/4G in
the future," said Olivia Qiu, head of Alcatel-Lucent activities in
East Asia and President of Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell. "The
agreements also set the stage for future collaboration with these
customers on the ongoing improvement of their networks."

China Mobile and China Telecom are two strategic partners of
Alcatel-Lucent in China. At the end of 2008, a consortium led by
Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell and Datang Mobile won the largest share
in China Mobile's tender for the second phase of its TD-SCDMA mobile
network trial. Also in 2008, China Telecom selected Alcatel-Lucent
Shanghai Bell for a USD 230 million upgrade of its CDMA mobile

These agreements build on Alcatel-Lucent's established position
as a leading 3G supplier in China. China Unicom, a leading fixed and
mobile service provider in China, recently selected Alcatel-Lucent to
deploy 3G W-CDMA networks in 14 Chinese provinces.

Alcatel-Lucent is a leading player in the wireless infrastructure
market having deployed 350 commercial wireless networks worldwide.
Alcatel-Lucent's pioneering multi-standard base station (with more
than 665,000 units shipped since 1999) is designed to support IP
transformation and is part of our unique converged radio access
network (RAN) strategy that enables operators to smoothly evolve
towards future mobile broadband technologies. Alcatel-Lucent is the
leading CDMA/EV-DO vendor with global market share of more than 42
percent in 2008. Additionally, the company has been the industry's
leading optical vendor since 2001, is #2 in the IP/MPLS Service
Provider edge routing market with 19 percent market share in 2008,
and is a world leader in the design, deployment, management and
integration of networks.

About Alcatel-Lucent

Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) is the trusted
partner of service providers, enterprises and governments worldwide,
providing solutions that to deliver voice, data and video
communication services to end-users. A leader in fixed, mobile and
converged broadband networking, IP technologies, applications and
services, Alcatel-Lucent leverages the unrivalled technical and
scientific expertise of Bell Labs, one of the largest innovation
powerhouses in the communications industry. With operations in more
than 130 countries and the most experienced global services
organization in the industry, Alcatel-Lucent is a local partner with
a global reach. Alcatel-Lucent achieved revenues of Euro 16.98
billion in 2008 and is incorporated in France, with executive offices
located in Paris. For more information, visit Alcatel-Lucent on the

ots Originaltext: Alcatel-Lucent
Im Internet recherchierbar:

Alcatel-Lucent Press Contacts, Regine Coqueran, +33(0)1-40-76-49-24,, or Laurent Dunoyer de Segonzac,
or Alcatel-Lucent Investor Relations, Remi Thomas,
+33(0)1-40-76-50-61,, or Tom
Bevilacqua, +1-908-582-7998,, Tony
Lucido, +33(0)1-40-76-49-80,, or Don
Sweeney, +1-908-582-6153,


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