
EANS-News: Hypoport AG / EUROPACE attracts new product providers

Geschrieben am 30-04-2009

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

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Berlin (euro adhoc) - 30 April 2009: Following a weak start to the
year that was burdened by a more restrictive approach to loan
approvals and increases in the terms and conditions offered by
existing lenders, Berlin-based financial services provider Hypoport
has been able to attract new product providers and managed to record
a year-on-year increase in the volume of transactions processed on
the EUROPACE platform in March. Considerable growth was generated in
new product segments and target groups.

Hypoport AG has adapted successfully to the changes in the market
environment. Against a backdrop of more stringent criteria applied to
loan approvals and increases in terms and conditions, some of the
lenders represented on the EUROPACE platform were no longer able to
offer competitive products back at the beginning of the year.
Hypoport was, however, subsequently able to attract new product
providers and to successfully expand the capacities of existing
lenders. The measures started to show effect in February and had
resulted in year-on-year growth by March. A marked drop in
transaction volumes in January and at the beginning of February
caused the volume for the quarter to decline to EUR 3.1 billion,
equivalent to a reduction of 9.4 percent compared with the 1st
quarter last year. Mortgage financing transactions accounted for EUR
2.8 billion of this amount.

As Ronald Slabke, Co-CEO at Hypoport AG, explains: "Our potential
currently lies in widening our range of products and services. We are
attracting new product providers and expanding the range of products
on offer. The cooperative and savings banks, in particular, offer
huge potential for growth." Personal loans again posted an increase
in volume and have now reached just over EUR 300 million. This
equates to an increase of 28.6 percent compared with the same quarter
last year. Compared with the 4th quarter 2008, the GENOPACE platform
posted an increase of 63 percent in transaction volumes to about EUR
85 million. The platform has been operating jointly with product
providers from the Volksbank and cooperative banking sectors since
spring 2008.

Some 10 percent of all mortgage financing transactions in the German
marketplace are meanwhile being processed on EUROPACE. The data
generated in the course of the transaction process offer important
insights into the sector of mortgage loans. The data collated on
EUROPACE indicate that loan volumes in Germany are stable; a
conclusion also reflected by the figures published by Bundesbank. The
repayment rates and loan-to-value ratios of financing transactions
have remained stable over the past four quarters. Preference is
comparatively being given to shorter fixed interest terms due to the
steep gradient of the interest rate structure curve. The volume of
each loan has declined slightly on average, probably as a result of
the more restrictive financing policies adopted by the product
providers. The fact that some existing buildings are witnessing
declining price levels is also influencing loan volumes. According to
Prof. Dr. Thomas Kretschmar, Co-CEO at Hypoport AG, however: "The
transactions processed on EUROPACE are largely unaffected by house
price levels. As we all know, where there is a vendor, there is also
always a buyer, and the latter wants to gain the easiest access
possible to the best financial services. Which is where Hypoport
comes in."

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: Hypoport AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Michaela Reimann

Group Communications Manager

Telefon: +49 (0) 30 42086 1936

E-Mail: michaela.reimann@hypoport.de

Branche: Financial & Business Services
ISIN: DE0005493365
WKN: 549336
Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard


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