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Applied Materials to Host Discussion on How U.S. Renewables Energy Policies Can Drive Solar Growth

Geschrieben am 25-05-2009

Munich (ots) - The United States Congress is currently formulating
comprehensive clean energy legislation that will be critical to the
growth of solar and other renewable energy sources in the U.S. and
around the world. In conjunction with the Intersolar 2009 tradeshow
being held in Munich from May 27-29, Applied Materials is hosting a
press event with solar industry experts to discuss how these proposed
new policies will shape the future of solar power and open new
markets, including the vast and fragmented American utility market.

What: "Is it Solar's Time in the United States?"
Where: International Gasteemphang West at EG at the Messe
When: Thursday, May 28, 11:30 to 12:30
Who: - Winfried Hoffmann, VP and CTO Energy and Environmental
Solutions, Applied Materials
- Rhone Resch, President and CEO, Solar Energy Industries
Association, a leading trade association for the solar
energy industry in the United States
- John Antone, VP of Marketing, Energy and Environmental
Solutions, Applied Materials
- Special Guest

Government policies have been vital to growing the solar
photovoltaic (PV) industry around the world. It remains to be seen
what the U.S. government will ultimately do to spur renewable energy,
given America's complex and regional energy production market.
Discussion will focus on these and other key questions:

- Can a national, progressive Renewable Energy Standard (RES)
perform the role of a Moore's Law for solar?
- Would an appropriately financed clean energy "bank" to provide
loans for renewable energy projects create financial momentum
for solar investments?
- Should the U.S. government, the largest power consumer in the
country, purchase a percentage of its power from renewable
- How will carbon pricing mechanisms affect the world market for
- Are utilities ready to purchase solar power and does it makes
sense today, especially for peak power applications?

Intersolar 2009 is the world's largest solar technology trade fair
focused on the Photovoltaic, Solar Thermal and Solar Architecture

Applied Materials, Inc. (Nasdaq:AMAT) is the global leader in
Nanomanufacturing Technology[TM] solutions with a broad portfolio of
innovative equipment, service and software products for the
fabrication of semiconductor chips, flat panel displays, solar
photovoltaic cells, flexible electronics and energy efficient glass.
At Applied Materials, we apply Nanomanufacturing Technology to
improve the way people live. Learn more at

Originaltext: Applied Materials
digital press kits:
press kits via RSS:

Connie Duncan, 408-563-6209,
Michael Sullivan, 408-986-7977


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