Do. - 13 März, 2025  · Gäste: 1609 Mitglieder: 5


Geschrieben am 25-05-2009

SAN FRANCISCO (ots) - Intersolar North America, the most diverse
global business-to-business exhibition in the United States dedicated
to the transformation of the solar marketplace, today announced that
growing demand in booth sales has prompted organizers to open another
floor, tripling the size of last year's exhibition and bringing the
2009 total floor space to approximately 120,000 net square feet.
Intersolar North America 2009 now expects to accommodate around 500
exhibitors. Currently more than 370 exhibitors from 20 countries
worldwide are confirmed to exhibit with 15,000 expected attendees
anticipated at this year's event, co-located with SEMICON West, in
San Francisco on July 14-16.

"Solar is a complex global market with a wide variety of
participants - from banks and governments, to manufactures and
distributors. As evidenced by the massive increase in size of
Intersolar North America 2009, this is an event that brings together
the entire solar value chain to connect, develop partnerships and
help define the vision for solar's future," said Markus Elsaesser,
CEO of Solar Promotion International GmbH, organizer of Intersolar
North America. "With the massive infusion of public and private
capital over the last year, there has never been a bigger opportunity
for solar's growth - despite the economy. Intersolar North America
2009 will help our industry seize every advantage to advance solar as
a ubiquitous energy source," Elsaesser said.

For a diverse global industry including photovoltaics and solar
thermal for both residential and commercial markets, the challenge of
patchwork of regulations, incentives and quality standards can hinder
market success. Intersolar North America's exhibition will help both
domestic and international solar businesses connect with other
businesses to strengthen their positions and further the industry.
Exhibitors from around the world, such as Solar World (Germany), LDK
Solar (China), Nexolon (Korea), Schüco (Germany), Applied Materials
(U.S.A.), Canadian Solar (Canada) and Acciona Solar Power (U.S.A),
will be among the 500 companies featured at the 2009 expo, designed
to create access for attendees to the entire value chain of companies
that make up the $50 billion international solar industry.

"Intersolar' drastic expansion, not just in Europe but especially
in North America, shows just how dynamic and influential the
international solar industry has become," said Klaus W. Seilnacht,
CEO of Freiburg Management and Marketing International GmbH, the
other organizer of Intersolar North America. "Intersolar North
America's growth even further integrates solar companies from around
the world to best service the thriving U.S. Market.

Intersolar North America 2009's exhibition programs are also
expanding to accommodate the growing needs of the solar industry this
year, including the expansion of the Innovation Exchange and the
addition of the Job and Career Forum. The Innovation Exchange, which
showcases innovative and new products or services in 25 minute
presentations, will feature double the amount of planned
presentations by exhibitors.

To help the industry fill the potential 5 million green jobs
needed by the renewable energy industry over the next 15 years,
according to The RAND Corporation, the Job and Career Forum, powered
by, will host a variety of presentations on available
training programs, the solar job market and details on future career
opportunities within the solar industry. To connect attendees seeking
solar jobs and companies looking to fill positions, the Job and
Career Forum will provide free job search computer terminals, and
will feature Solarjobsplus - Executive Search and Talent Management,
a dedicated program to address the recruitment needs of senior and
specialist candidates.

"Intersolar North America is the premier exposition, attracting
the top suppliers, buyers and technologists who are leading the
charge toward the greening of America," said Dan Martin, executive
vice president of the SEMI PV Group. "Visitors will gain keen insight
into the North American and global solar industries by taking part in
the vast array of educational programs and discussions offered to
create strong global relationships for those within the industry."
The Team of Intersolar North America invites interested visitors and
exhibitors to visit the U.S. Market Pavilion in Hall B3, Stand B3.440
at Intersolar Munich. The organizers of Intersolar in Munich and
North America have developed this pavilion to provide vital
information about the United States' solar market and Intersolar
North America 2009. The U.S. Market Pavilion will feature the
American Solar Energy Society, Greentech Media Inc., Solar Industry
Magazine, the Prometheus Institute for Sustainable Development, the
U.S Department of Commerce and Underwriters Laboratories. The U.S.
Market pavilion provides the perfect medium to increase your
knowledge about the American solar market.

About Intersolar North America

Intersolar North America is the most diverse international
business-to-business trade show in the United States for the global
solar industry. As the only solar trade show in North America
dedicated to recruiting companies across the solar supply chain from
around the world, Intersolar helps the industry improve global
supply, distribution, training, regulation and business issues in
order to accelerate market transformation and advance solar as a
significant part of the global energy supply. Intersolar North
America 2009 features an expected 500 exhibitors and 15,000 trade
visitors in San Francisco's Moscone Center West on July 14-16.
Intersolar North America was created in 2008 as a sister event to
Intersolar in Munich, the world's largest and longest-running solar
technology trade show.

Originaltext: Solar Promotion International GmbH
digital press kits:
press kits via RSS:

Media Contact:
Cate Powers for Intersolar North America
Bite Communications


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