
Final Call for Entries to the 'Excellence in Epilepsy' Journalism Award

Geschrieben am 08-06-2009

Brussels (ots/PRNewswire) - The 'Excellence in Epilepsy'
Journalism Award - an initiative of the International Bureau for
Epilepsy (IBE) and UCB - invites journalists from around the world to
submit stimulating, informed and compelling news and feature stories
on epilepsy.

The award seeks to increase awareness and improve understanding
of epilepsy. The closing date for entries and nominations is 30 June,

To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


Susanne Lund, President of the IBE, commented "The IBE aims to
create a world where fear and ignorance about epilepsy are replaced
by understanding and care. We can only achieve this goal by
increasing awareness of epilepsy - and this need is a pressing one."
She continued, "The media plays an important role in challenging
stereotypes and sharing accurate information about epilepsy with
their audiences. I believe that the Excellence in Epilepsy Journalism
Award is a major step in encouraging the media to communicate
knowledge, data and real life experiences of people with epilepsy
around the world. Through this award journalists can help to combat
the fear and ignorance about epilepsy and improve the lives for those
living with the condition."

The 'Excellence in Epilepsy' award is open to consumer and
medical journalists from any country. Entries can be submitted from
print, broadcast or online outlets and will be judged by an
independent, seven member international panel, comprising:

- Dr Carlos Acevedo, Vice-President of the IBE Latin American Region and
Editor, International Epilepsy News
- David Josephs, Epilepsy Advocate
- Joachim Mueller-Jung, Writer and Journalist, Frankfurter Allgemeine
- Dr Mark Porter, GP, Broadcaster and Medical correspondent for The Times
- Robert Cole, CEO, Epilepsy Association of South Australia and the
Northern Territory
- Roger Sergel, Managing Editor, Health coverage, ABC News
- Susanne Lund, President, IBE

The panel is tasked with identifying responsible, informed,
original and stimulating stories on epilepsy.

David Josephs, journalism award judge and father of ten-year-old
Dominic who has epilepsy said; "Epilepsy is a complicated, but common
condition which affects people in different ways. Our family welcomes
this initiative which strives to put epilepsy in the mainstream and
share understanding about the condition. I hope through this award
stories about epilepsy and the experiences of people like Dominic
receive the attention they deserve. By increasing knowledge and
understanding of epilepsy we also increase the hope for those living
with the condition."

The award has three categories; medical print and online,
consumer print and online and broadcast. Journalists can either
directly submit their work for the awards or be nominated by a peer
or colleague.

"There have been important developments in the treatment and
management of epilepsy in recent years, but to truly improve the
lives of people living with epilepsy there needs to also be wider
understanding and knowledge amongst friends, colleagues, classmates,
families and caregivers. Reaching such a broad range of people is
only possible through informed and sustained media articles,"
commented Dr Lode Dewulf, Vice-President of Global Medical Affairs,

"UCB is therefore pleased to work with the IBE on this epilepsy
award initiative as part of our ongoing commitment to fostering
education, awareness and understanding about this common condition
and its treatment."

To enter:

Send or email entries and the completed nomination form to:
Excellence in Epilepsy Journalism Award
PO Box 64158, London, WC2E 9WR
or: excellence@epilepsyja.com

To find out more information or to download an entry or
nomination form please visit:

About the IBE

The IBE is an organisation of laypersons and professionals
interested in the medical and non-medical aspects of epilepsy. The
IBE addresses such social problems as education, employment,
insurance, driving licence restrictions and public awareness.

About UCB

UCB, Brussels, Belgium is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated
to the research, development and commercialization of innovative
medicines with a focus on the fields of central nervous system and
immunology disorders. Forward looking statement

This press release contains forward-looking statements based on
current plans, estimates and beliefs of management. Such statements
are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results
to be materially different from those that may be implied by such
forward-looking statements contained in this press release. Important
factors that could result in such differences include: changes in
general economic, business and competitive conditions, effects of
future judicial decisions, changes in regulation, exchange rate
fluctuations and hiring and retention of its employees.

Further information
Ann Little, IBE
T +353-1-210-8850, ibedublin@eircom.net
Eimear O'Brien, Associate Director, Global CNS Communications UCB
T +32-2-559-9271, Eimear.OBrien@ucb.com

ots Originaltext: Excellence in Epilepsy Journalism Award
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further information: IBE, Ann Little, IBE, T +353-1-210-8850,
ibedublin@eircom.net; UCB, Eimear O'Brien, Associate Director, Global
CNS Communications UCB, T +32-2-559-9271, Eimear.OBrien@ucb.com


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