EANS-Adhoc: Rosenbauer International AG
ROSENBAUER to deliver another 211 vehicles and equipment to Saudi Arabia
Order intake worth some EUR 33.2 Mio
Geschrieben am 10-07-2009 |
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Major order
The leading manufacturer of fire fighting vehicles, ROSENBAUER, has received another order from the Saudi Arabian Interior Ministry. The contract, which is worth around EUR 33.2 Mio, involves the supply of 211 fire fighting vehicles and technical equipment to the national civil defence organization, which administers the fire services in Saudi Arabia.
This latest order follows a contract received in June 2008 involving the supply of 130 fire fighting vehicles with a value of around EUR 30.0 Mio. This order was obtained in the face of stiff, international competition, following an invitation to tender by the Saudi Arabian Interior Ministry.
The current order includes rescue pumper and heavy rescue trucks, aerials and lighting vehicles, which are being manufactured at the parent plant in Leonding, Metz Aerials in Karlsruhe and in Central Division´s production facilities in the USA, and will be handed over to the customers in several tranches by mid-2011.
Today, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has placed the bulk of its trust in quality products from ROSENBAUER and in the past 24 months alone, various Saudi customers have ordered over 600 vehicles.
The top standards of the products supplied and excellent order handling have furnished the basis for the first class, long-term cooperation with Saudi clients. And according to Julian Wagner, the ROSENBAUER International AG president: "This order receipt creates a solid foundation for the course of business in the coming years."
end of announcement euro adhoc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: Rosenbauer International AG Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de
Further inquiry note:
Rosenbauer International AG
Mag. Gerda Königstorfer
Tel.: 0732/6794-568
Branche: Machine Manufacturing ISIN: AT0000922554 WKN: 892502 Index: WBI, ATX Prime Börsen: Berlin / free trade Stuttgart / free trade Wien / official dealing
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