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Car Makers and Fuel Suppliers Unite to Promote Synthetic Fuels in Europe

Geschrieben am 07-03-2006

Brussels (ots/PRNewswire) - The Alliance for Synthetic Fuels in
Europe (ASFE) will be launched today.

At a conference to be held in Brussels and attended by European
Commissioners Günter Verheugen and Andris Piebalgs and Austrian
Minister for Environment Josef Pröll, leading automotive
manufacturers and fuel supply companies will lay out their common
vision of sustainable mobility in Europe.

Founding members of the Alliance of Synthetic Fuels in Europe
(ASFE) - DaimlerChrysler, Renault, Royal Dutch Shell, Sasol Chevron
and the Volkswagen group - will address the strategic role of
synthetic fuels in tackling today's energy and environmental
challenges and reducing the environmental impact of road transport
through improved energy efficiency and the use of cleaner fuels.

"Synthetic fuels can deliver a cleaner fuel future. Synthetic
fuels can meet concerns about security and diversity of supply.
Synthetic fuels can deliver real emissions reductions today and this
will improve even more as the technology develops," the conference
will be told by George Couvaras, chief executive officer, Sasol

Royal Dutch Shell plc executive director, Rob Routs will tell the
conference: "Synthetic fuels made from natural gas and biomass can
also reduce petroleum dependency. They provide a cost effective,
realistic development path between today's fuels and longer term
renewable energy."

Franz-Josef Paefgen, general power of attorney, Volkswagen AG will
set out the objectives of the ASFE: "The objectives of ASFE are to
promote synthetic fuels and support a range of activities in the
field of sustainable mobility including research, projects
demonstrating the benefits of synthetic fuels including vehicle
trials, cooperation with governments and promotion of public

Thomas Weber, member of the Board of Management of DaimlerChrysler
AG, responsible for Group Research & Mercedes Car Group Development,
will assess the objectives of the ASFE in the light of wider European
policy objectives: "Synthetic fuels can make a real contribution in
many of Europe's policy areas - combating climate change, reducing
energy consumption, diversifying energy supplies, ensuring security
of energy supply and improving air quality."

Luc-Alexandre Menard, senior vice president, public affairs,
Renault will conclude in outlining the challenge facing Europe and
the ASFE: "Synthetic fuels are now a reality and Europe must work
together to deliver the cleaner transport future that these fuels
make possible."

Through a series of keynote talks and a panel discussion, ASFE
members will state their shared commitment to reducing the
environmental impact of road transport through improved engine
technology and cleaner fuels. ASFE members will show how synthetic
fuels can contribute to improved security of supply and to a
sustainable transport future.

The conference will hear how, working together, the car
manufacturers and fuel suppliers are making a new generation of
engines, with further improvements in energy efficiency and reduced
exhaust emissions using synthetic fuels.

About synthetic fuels

Synthetic fuels are a new generation of near zero sulphur and
aromatics transport fuels made with the Fischer Tropsch process from
natural gas (GTL), coal (CTL) or biomass (BTL). Of the three
processes, GTL is the most commercially advanced and offers a
practical alternative fuel today. A number of plants are being built
or planned and product availability will increase from 2006 onwards.
BTL needs further R&D investment but has the potential to use
domestic resources in Europe.

Greenhouse gas emissions associated with synthetic fuels derived
from natural gas are comparable with transport fuels made from crude
oil, while those produced from biomass can contribute to greenhouse
gas reduction of up to 90%. As synthetic fuels can be used neat or
blended in existing diesel engines, distribution and refueling
infrastructure, they are the most cost effective solution to reducing
petroleum dependency. Synthetic fuels can provide significant local
air quality improvement by reducing tailpipe emissions (particulate
matter, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons).

ots Originaltext: Sasol Chevron
Im Internet recherchierbar:

Contact for issues concerning the ASFE event in Brussels: Sam
Rowe, Weber Shandwickm Tel: +32-2-230-0775/0475-361286 E-mail: Company contacts: DaimlerChrysler -
Stephan Oeri, Tel: +49-(0)711-17-93271, Email:,
Renault s.a.s. - Laurent Gerbet, Tel: +33-1-76-84 69 82; E-mail:, &
Royal Dutch Shell plc - Sarah Smallhorn, Tel: +44-207-934-2713;
E-mail:, Sasol Chevron -
Malcolm Wells, Tel: +44-(0)207-487-8994; E-mail:, Volkswagen - Thomas
Mickeleit, Tel: +49-(0)5361-987401; E-mail:,


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