Into the future with Vodafone and Microsoft / Vodafone is showcasing the first notebooks and mobile phones with the new Microsoft operating system Windows 7 and Windows Mobile 6.5 at the IFA
Geschrieben am 03-09-2009 |
Düsseldorf/Berlin (ots) - If you want high-speed mobile internet, you don't just need an efficient wireless network, but also easy-to-use notebooks and smartphones with modern and reliable operating systems. Vodafone has teamed up with Microsoft to provide customers with a product package geared to operating convenience and reliability with the objective of optimising mobile data services in the Vodafone network. At the IFA, Vodafone will be one of the first telecommunications providers in Germany to present notebooks and smartphones with this new operating system at its booth in hall 18.
"The objective is to underline our innovation leadership as one of the first telecommunications providers offering customers convenient hardware and reliable operating systems for mobile internet access," said Frank Rosenberger, CCO Consumer Business at Vodafone Germany. Acer's Aspire One 531 and the Lenovo S10-2 will be the first netbooks equipped with the new Microsoft operating system Windows 7. Visitors to the Vodafone booth at the IFA can see for themselves how easy they are to operate and how fast the data services are in Vodafone's own 3G broadband network. Thanks to 3G and an integrated wireless modem, the netbooks can achieve rates of up to 7.2 mbit/s. The netbooks' launch is scheduled for the end of October, when they will be available at the Vodafone shops.
Simple operation and reliability are equally important criteria for smartphone owners who frequently use data and voice services. The GM750 by Korean manufacturer LG will be the first smartphone available from Vodafone to have the new Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.5 installed. It has a 3-inch touchscreen plus a 5 megapixel camera with digital 2x zoom. Delivering downlink rates of up to 7.2 mbit/s and a maximum uplink rate of 3.6 mbit/s, the smartphone is perfect for high-speed internet and electronic mail. If the built in 280 MB memory isn't enough to store your music or photo collection, you can add another 32 GB using the microSD slot. An FM radio and an integrated A-GPS receiver round off the package. Although the smartphone won't be available at the Vodafone shops until October, IFA visitors will be able to preview the new operating concept.
Originaltext: Vodafone D2 GmbH digital press kits: press kits via RSS:
If you have any queries, please contact: Vodafone D2 GmbH Thorsten Höpken, External Communications, T: +49 211 533- 5597 Press hotline: +49 211 533-5500
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