
IFA 2009: NAVIGON takes an innovative direction with new product portfolio

Geschrieben am 03-09-2009

Hamburg (ots) -

- Querverweis: Bildmaterial ist abrufbar unter
http://www.presseportal.de/galerie.htx?type=obs -

At this year's IFA, NAVIGON is showcasing its latest innovations,
with new products, features and services for its navigation devices.
The use of advanced technologies turns NAVIGON's digital navigators
into even more valuable travel companions. NAVIGON is introducing
real pedestrian navigation that acts as a reliable guide to final
destinations when on foot from your parking space. The new NAVIGON
Live Services provide real- time updates on traffic, parking
availability and POIs. NAVIGON is also introducing new features in
its premium devices, such as photo-realistic navigation in European
cities, and a capacitive touchscreen, real glass display.

At IFA, NAVIGON is showcasing its brand new, smart functions for
its entry, high-end and premium models. One of the main highlights of
the new features is NAVIGON's new pedestrian navigation offering.
Pedestrian navigation will be available in all new NAVIGON models
launched at IFA. NAVIGON customers can now experience the highest
quality navigation at all times, even outside of their car, should
they wish to be directed to their selected destination on foot. When
a destination cannot be reached by car, NAVIGON's pedestrian
navigation allows you to take a route through pedestrian zones, parks
or older parts of town. This is made possible by functions such as
NAVIGON Last Mile, which automatically saves the position where the
car is parked. You can then use pedestrian navigation for the final
part of your journey, activated in just a few clicks. On the way
home, all the user needs to do is select "My Vehicle", the saved
destination, to be guided back to their car. With the launch of
pedestrian navigation, NAVIGON now offers users an all-round
navigation service. Another NAVIGON highlight at IFA is the launch of
its Live Services, which benefit from a well-thought-out payment
model. Both at home and abroad, users of the new Premium device, the
NAVIGON 8450 Live and the new high-end model the NAVIGON 6350 Live,
can access real- time information via the external NAVIGON Live
Module in 32[1] countries across Europe, without incurring charges
extra to the subscription fee[2]. The Live Services include the
latest traffic news (Traffic Live), positioning of mobile radar speed
detectors (Mobile Safety Camera Live), information about available
parking spaces (Clever Parking Live), the weather forecast at any
location as well as en route (Weather Live), and the option to search
for an unlimited number of personal points of interest selected by
the user, such as restaurants or businesses (Google Local Search).

A new standard: The Premium devices NAVIGON 8410 | 8450 Live

The high-tech NAVIGON 8410 | NAVIGON 8450 Live devices, with their
combination of unique features, multimedia highlights, superior
design and the use of high-quality materials, provide an unbeatable
navigation experience. The capacitive real glass display reacts to
the lightest of touches, and is an example of the best the market has
to offer. A diagonal stroke across the 5-inch display activates the
voice command function, Voice Interaction Pro, which allows the user
to communicate in a very natural way with the device. Real City3D is
also the first function of its kind in the world for navigation
devices. This photo-realistic navigation provides a true-to-detail
display of houses, streets, building facades, zebra crossings and
traffic lights in a selection of European cities. The 84-series
models also offer premium entertainment features, with the optional
TV module for DVB-T reception, the navigator can even be turned into
a TV[3]. The NAVIGON 8450 Live also provides users with NAVIGON Live
Services via the NAVIGON Live Module[4].

High end with an elegant design: NAVIGON 6310 | 6350 Live

In the high end segment, NAVIGON Live Services are available in
the NAVIGON 6350 Live, and as with the NAVIGON 8410, the NAVIGON 6310
can be equipped with the NAVIGON Live Module for GPRS reception. The
NAVIGON 63-models are also equipped with an even more comprehensive
range of features than its predecessors. For example, with the
improved Professional Voice Command 2.0, which allows relaxed and
precise communication with the device. With its 4.3", 16:9 format
display, chrome edging around the glossy black casing and the
specially designed car holder, the 63-models have an elegant

Extra value at entry level: NAVIGON 1400 | 1410 and NAVIGON 2400 |

With their combined top-quality in-car and pedestrian navigation
systems, the new, compact 3.5-inch display devices in the entry level
make both driving and walking to your destination a relaxed
experience. The NAVIGON Last Mile function guides users comfortably
in pedestrian mode from the car to their destination, and back again.
For those who are often out and about with their navigator on foot,
the NAVIGON 2400 | 2410 is a great navigational solution, as the
"Premium Entry Models" are equipped with an E-Compass for
orientation. Additionally, its energy-saving package, which reduces
energy consumption by up to 50 percent, can increase the operating
life in pedestrian mode to up to four hours. Thanks to a map display
in portrait format, and a carrying strap, the device offers operating
ease and comfort in the pedestrian mode.

For further information on NAVIGON, please visit www.navigon.com.
For photo- and video material please send your request to

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NAVIGON AG is one of the leading suppliers of navigation systems
worldwide. NAVIGON produces its own portable navigation devices and,
through partnerships with well-known manufacturers of entertainment
electronic equipment, stands for superior quality GPS navigation for
pocket PCs, PNDs and mobile phones. Furthermore, NAVIGON offers
professional navigation solutions such as driver assistance
components for OEM suppliers in the motor vehicle industry. NAVIGON
was founded in 1991, employs more than 400 staff and has offices in
Asia, Europe and North America. - NAVIGON. And the world is yours.

[1] Not every NAVIGON Live Service is available in all locations
[2] A one-year subscription costs 79.95 Euro, a two-year contract
costs 139.95 Euro
[3] NAVIGON's digital TV Module is designed to match the devices and
costs 59.95 Euro.
[4] Incl. T-Mobile SIM-card.

Originaltext: NAVIGON AG
digital press kits: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/15250
press kits via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_15250.rss2

Media contact:

Michael Hoffmann Angela Obermaier
Head of Corporate Communication PR Manager
Schottmüllerstr. 20A Schottmüllerstr. 20A
20251 Hamburg 20251 Hamburg
Germany Germany
Phone: +49-40-370 88-421 Phone: +49-40-370 88-450
Fax: +49-40-370 88-479 Fax: +49-40-370 88-479
E-Mail: presse@navigon.com E-Mail: presse@navigon.com
Web: www.navigon.com Web: www.navigon.com


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