Marathon Capital, LLC Retained By SkyPower Corp for Sales Process - Bids Due October 5th, 2009
Geschrieben am 10-09-2009 |
Bannockburn, Illinois (ots/PRNewswire) - Marathon Capital, LLC is pleased to announce it has been retained by SkyPower Corp., a Lehman Brothers Company, one of the leading independent renewable energy developers in Canada, in the sale of its Development Business comprised of all of SkyPower's wind and solar operating and development assets. Additionally, Marathon is advising on the separate but concurrent sale of SkyPower's inventory of 134 GE 1.5xle wind turbines (201MW). Marathon believes this process, which is now underway, represents an extraordinary opportunity to acquire a significant wind and solar development platform as well as certain fully developed and late-stage assets. Separately the Company's turbine inventory represents substantial value relative to the comparable primary market for wind turbines.
SkyPower has an extensive pipeline of renewable projects and established relationships across Canada among all levels of government and with numerous First Nations. SkyPower is also well positioned to benefit from recent government sponsored renewable programs like the Ontario FIT (Feed in Tariff Program) which is expected to be launched in the next few weeks. The Company has developed 27.0 MW of operating wind projects and 9.0 MW of near operating solar projects. The Company has a truly robust development pipeline which includes 112.5 MW of projects which will move into construction in 2010; over 2,900 MW of advanced wind and solar development projects with a significant concentration in the strategic Ontario market, and over 5,000 MW of early stage wind and solar projects at varying stages of development. The Company boasts sizable Ontario exposure including 72 MW of Wind and 82 MW of Solar Power Purchase Agreements with the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) under its Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program (RESOP). Early in 2009 SkyPower was awarded an additional 64.5MW Power Purchase Agreement in Ontario for a key project in its portfolio. Additionally, SkyPower has secured significant land rights through various landowner, crown land, and First Nations agreements, including over 850,000 acres in the Ontario market alone and access to up to 6 million acres of land across Canada.
In order to facilitate the transition through a sale process, the Company, filed on August 12, 2009 for restructuring under the terms of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA). The court approved the sales process on August 25th, 2009. The process will allow a buyer of any of the Company's assets to purchase the assets free and clear of encumbrances pursuant to an Order of the Court. Qualified purchasers, subject to the execution of a Non Disclosure Agreement, will receive a Confidential Investment Memorandum, comprehensive financial models and information, access to an extensive data room and a management presentation. The binding bid date for SkyPower's development business is October 5, 2009, as is the binding bid date for the turbine inventory.
Parties interested in participating in either process should immediately contact Robert Stefani or Ted Brandt at Marathon Capital at +1-847-574-2670 or e-mail to
About Marathon Capital, LLC
Marathon Capital is an experienced investment banking firm focused on the global energy and infrastructure markets, with expertise in renewable energy investment and renewable energy finance. Marathon is headquartered in Bannockburn, Illinois and maintains offices in New York City and San Francisco.
For further information: visit Marathon's website: or call +1-847-574-2670
ots Originaltext: SkyPower Corp. Im Internet recherchierbar:
Contact: For further information: visit Marathon's website: or call +1-847-574-2670
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