
Jane Seymour Lends Support to Recognise the Hopes and Achievements of People Living With Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

Geschrieben am 22-09-2009

Maidenhead, England (ots/PRNewswire) -

- 26 Men and Women With RA From Across Europe Honoured as They
Share Their Inspirational Stories

Actress, artist and activist Jane Seymour will host the first My
Day for RA European event in Barcelona, Spain this evening to
recognise the daily challenges, hopes and achievements of people
living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


RA is a chronic and progressive disease that can cause pain,
deformity, disability and loss of independence without effective
management­.(1) The My Day for RA event brings together people with
RA from all over Europe to share their stories of hope and triumph,
and to motivate others with the disease to live life to the fullest.

"I am very proud to be involved in My Day For RA, and am
personally inspired by those being honoured today," Jane Seymour
says. "Not only does this event recognise and celebrate the
achievements of people living with RA, but it encourages everyone
with the condition to learn more about their disease and to take an
active role in managing their illness."

The My Day for RA event coincides with the recent launch of an
online resource - the My Day for RA Action Planner - to help people
with RA to understand the impact of their disease, and to develop a
straightforward, personalised action plan for the future. The Action
Planner is available at http://www.MyDayforRA.com.

RA affects 2.9 million people across Europe.(1) Most people with
RA experience pain and fatigue which can impact every aspect of their
lives.(2,3) Daily activities that are often taken for granted, such
as getting up in the morning, going to work or caring for one's
family can become arduous tasks.

Being a progressive disease means that RA can get worse over
time, and eventually lead to permanent and irreversible damage to the
joints, which could result in deformity and loss of independence over
time, as well as a decreased ability to work, potential surgery and
higher medical costs.(2,4,5,6) Studies have shown that early and
aggressive treatment of RA may successfully stop disease
progression, and enable people with RA to continue living a
productive lifestyle.(4,7,8,9)

"Many people with RA expend so much effort on day-to-day living,
dealing with the pain and fatigue, that they rarely have time to
think about the long-term implications of living with RA," says Dr.
Alejandro Olivé Marqués, Rheumatologist, Hospital Universitari
Germans Trias i Pujol, Barcelona, Spain and speaker at the My Day for
RA event.

"Fortunately, there have been significant medical advances in the
last few years for people with RA. With the right treatment and
support, you may not only be able to control your symptoms, but
actually stop the disease from getting worse, allowing patients to
continue living active lives and protecting their future."

My Day for RA was created by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. For further
information please visit http://www.MyDayforRA.com.

Notes to editors:

About the My Day for RA Programme

My Day for RA is a European disease awareness programme, launched
in June 2009, that encourages men and women with rheumatoid arthritis
(RA) to dedicate a day to learn more about their condition and to set
goals in order to feel more confident and empowered to manage their
RA now and in the future. Men and women with RA are encouraged to
take a day by visiting http://www.MyDayforRA.com for a downloadable
checklist of steps they can take now that may benefit them in the

Additionally, people can access the My Day for RA Action Planner,
an interactive questionnaire, created to help people with RA to
develop a straightforward, personalised, action plan for the future.
After using the Action Planner, people are encouraged to follow their
personalised plans to achieve the goals they have set for themselves.
The Action Planner cannot and should not substitute medical advice:
people are encouraged to speak to their doctor for valuable guidance
on how to best manage their RA to meet the goals they have set.

About Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic condition that typically
affects the hands, wrists and feet, and may also affect the knees,
hips and shoulders. If the condition persists over time, it can cause
permanent damage, including tendon, ligament, cartilage and bone
destruction and deformity.(2,3)


Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, a division of Wyeth, has leading products
in the areas of women's health care, infectious disease,
gastrointestinal health, central nervous system, inflammation,
transplantation, hemophilia, oncology, vaccines and nutritional

Wyeth is one of the world's largest research-driven
pharmaceutical and health care products companies. It is a leader in
the discovery, development, manufacturing and marketing of
pharmaceuticals, vaccines, biotechnology products, nutritionals and
non-prescription medicines that improve the quality of life for
people worldwide. The Company's major divisions include Wyeth
Pharmaceuticals, Wyeth Consumer Healthcare and Fort Dodge Animal


(1). "Prevalence and Impact of Rheumatoid Arthritis." Amgen
Rheumatology Inflammation Service Europe (RISE). Available at
http://www.kineret-eu.com/en/pro/rhe/rhepre.jsp. Last Accessed May

(2). "What is RA?" National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS)
Website. Available at
http://www.rheumatoid.org.uk/article.php?article_id=224. Last
Accessed May 2009

(3). Lee DM. et al. Rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet.

(4). Weaver AL. et al. The Impact of new biologicals in the
treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology.
2004;43(Suppl.3):iii17 iii23

(5). Sokka T. et al. Work disability in early rheumatoid
arthritis. Clin Exp Rheum. 2003;21 (Suppl.31) S71-S74

(6). Burton W. et al. Systematic review of studies of
productivity loss due to rheumatoid arthritis. Occup Med.

(7). Emery, P. et al Comparison of methotrexate monotherapy with
a combination of methotrexate and etanercept in active, early,
moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis (COMET): a randomised,
double-blind, parallel treatment trial The Lancet. 2008; 372: 375-382

(8). Breedveld FC. et al. The PREMIER study: A multicenter,
randomized, double-blind clinical trial of combination therapy with
adalimumab plus methotrexate versus methotrexate alone or adalimumab
alone in patients with early, aggressive rheumatoid arthritis who had
not had previous methotrexate treatment. Arthritis Rheum.

(9). Korpela M. et al. Retardation of joint damage in patients
with early rheumatoid arthritis by initial aggressive treatment with
disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs. Five year experience from the
FIN-RACo study. Arthritis Rheum 2004; 50:2072-2081

ots Originaltext: Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

For further information, interview with a My Day for RA spokesperson
visuals/filmed footage, please contact: Wyeth: Gill Markham,
Communications - Europe, Middle East and Africa, Direct Tel:
+44(0)1628-692-536, Mob: +44(0)777-082-7753, Email:
markhagl@wyeth.com; OgilvyHealthPR: Nerea Hinzpeter - OgilvyHealthPR,
Tel: + 44(0)207-108-6077, Mob: +44(0)7717-320-393, Email:


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