
EANS-Adhoc: D+S europe AG / MDAX manager Dr. Gerold Linzbach appointed new CEO/ Profit and loss forecast withdrawn

Geschrieben am 05-10-2009

ad-hoc disclosure pursuant to section 15 of the WpHG transmitted by euro
adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.


Hamburg, October 5, 2009. In a scheduled meeting held today, the
supervisory board of D+S europe AG (ISIN DE0005336804), Hamburg
appointed Dr. Gerold Linzbach as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to the
Board of D+S europe AG as of October 6, 2009. Up until mid-2009
Linzbach, 53, had been CEO of the MDAX-listed company Symrise. D+S
had already appointed another MDAX manager to the Board in July 2009,
namely former Hugo Boss CFO Joachim Reinhardt. After serving for
seven years on the Board, the outgoing CEO of D+S europe AG,
Dipl.-Ing. Achim Plate, 50, leaves the company as of October 5, 2009
by mutual and amicable agreement due to differences regarding future
strategy for the development of the company. He will continue to
consult the company in a consulting function. The supervisory board
extends its thanks to Mr. Plate for his long-standing commitment and
for the exceptional milestones he has achieved for the company.
Despite the global financial and economic crisis - which has left its
mark on D+S AG as well in the current business year - and the
decreasing returns resulting from it, D+S remained steadfastly
committed to its growth and investment course in the first half of
2009. The Board expects an increase in turnover of more than EUR 30m
(that is, in the double-digit percentage range) for 2009. However, in
the course of their ongoing review of business trends, both the
Management Board and the supervisory board today have come to the
conclusion that, due to the continuing difficult market situation,
the profit and loss forecast for the business year 2009 cannot be
achieved. So far the Management Board had assumed an increase in
EBITDA in the single-digit range. The company has seen a significant
drop in EBITDA compared with 2008 as a result of lower margins,
though. On account of the prevailing uncertainty in the market, no
further specific profit and loss forecast will be issued. Due to
regulatory amendments that have occurred - particularly the
operational repercussions of tighter regulations in telemarketing,
including an amendment to the German Federal Data Protection Act,
which have now emerged - the Board considers it necessary to alter
the company´s accounting method for address services and address
database management as well as for labor law-related obligations.
This gives rise to a one-off drop in net earnings of EUR 35m. up to
EUR 45m. Furthermore, amongst others as a result of the economic and
financial crisis, the Board has undertaken a valuation adjustment of
accounts receivables, other assets and liabilities as a risk
management measure, which might entail a one-off expense of roughly
up to EUR 40m. It also is necessary, due to deteriorating economic
prospects as well as the negative impacts of regulatory amendments on
certain customer segments, to readjust the allocated goodwill values
by about EUR 10m. All extraordinary changes in revaluation have been
agreed with the auditor. They do not result in any negative cash
resource impacts on the 2009 balance and will be only partially
recognized as expenses in the following years. Moreover, a positive
effect on cash assets is expected from value added tax refund claims
and the reduction of other corporate taxes for the year 2009 and the
following years. D+S AG will present its results for the third
quarter of 2009 on November 13, 2009.

Ende der Mitteilung euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: D+S europe AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Thiess Johannssen

Director Corporate Communications & Marketing

Tel.: +49 (0)40 4114-1400

E-Mail: t.johannssen@ds-ag.com

Branche: Advertising
ISIN: DE0005336804
WKN: 533680
Index: CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
Börsen: Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Berlin / free trade
Hamburg / free trade
Stuttgart / free trade
Düsseldorf / free trade
München / free trade


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