
EANS-News: PNE WIND AG enters the repowering sector with the Alt Zeschdorf wind farm

Geschrieben am 08-10-2009

• Modern technology replacing old wind-driven power systems

• Efficiency improved through repowering bonus

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

New Products/Company Information/Wind farm repowering

Utl.: • Modern technology replacing old wind-driven power systems
• Efficiency improved through repowering bonus

Cuxhaven (euro adhoc) - Cuxhaven, October 8, 2009 - With the Alt
Zeschdorf wind farm, the wind farm developer PNE WIND AG (ISIN:
DE000A0JBPG2) has successfully completed its first repowering
project. Repowering involves the replacement of old wind-driven power
systems with more modern, higher performing and more effective
systems. The goal of the repowering is to clearly increase the
efficiency of wind power for the production of electricity as quickly
as possible. The Windpark began its operations in April 2009 before
then being transferred to purchaser EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg

In the context of additional relief for the environment through
increased electricity production, the German federal government and
federal parliament established special support for repowering
projects in the German Renewable Energy Law (EEG). In this context,
electricity from wind power plants which fulfil the corresponding
legal regulations is awarded with an added bonus payment. This is
intended to achieve a more rapid exchange of old systems.

The requirements of repowering are considerable: the old and new
wind-driven power plants must be located in either the same or
neighbouring districts. The law also states that the systems which
are to be replaced must be removed from service. The new systems must
also provide at least double the electricity provided by the wind
power systems that they have replaced.

At the `Windpark Alt Zeschdorf´ repowering project, the developer has
fulfilled all of these conditions. Confirmation is now available
which includes the certification for the fulfilment of the repowering

At the Alt Zeschforf wind farm, three Vestas V90 type wind-driven
power systems have been constructed, each with an installed capacity
of 2 MW and a comparatively high hub height of 108 metres. The
wind-driven power systems can cover the annual power requirements of
approximately 4,000 private households. The wind farm is therefore
providing a significant contribution to environmental protection, as
the environmentally friendly production of such electricity from wind
power avoids the creation of around 8,500 tons of carbon dioxide and
other pollutants.

Martin Billhardt, Chairman of PNE WIND AG, is especially pleased:
"For us, the starting shot for the repowering has now been fired. PNE
WIND AG has entered this market early on and with a professional
approach." Due to the age structure of the wind farms that currently
exist in Germany, the executive also views the exchanging of old
systems to represent an additional growth-driver for the wind power
market. "The number of repowering projects is set to rapidly increase
in the future. Due to our solid market position, we therefore view
additional growth potential to exist for PNE WIND AG", explains
Martin Billhardt, summarising the positive outlook.

Company profile

PNE WIND AG with its headquarters in Cuxhaven plans and implements
wind-farm projects on land (onshore) and also at high sea (offshore).
In this context, its central competence is developing, projecting,
implementing and financing wind-farms and their operation or sale
with subsequent service. Up to now, the company has built 92
wind-farms with 535 wind turbines and an installed capacity of 770

Alongside the business activity on the established German home
market, PNE WIND AG is also increasingly investing in dynamic growth
markets and has representations via joint ventures in Hungary,
Bulgaria, Turkey, Great Britain, Ireland, Romania and Canada.
Wind-farm projects with an installed capacity of up to 1,400 MW are
currently under development in these countries and are to be built in
the medium term. In addition, a subsidiary has been founded in the
USA. In Germany (onshore), wind-farm projects with an installed
capacity of more than 300 MW are currently under development.

Furthermore, PNE WIND AG develops offshore wind-farm projects, three
of which have already been approved in German waters. Entering
promising foreign markets is also being examined for the offshore

Ende der Mitteilung euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: PNE Wind AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:


Public Relations

Rainer Heinsohn

Tel: +49(0) 47 21 - 7 18 - 4 53

Fax: +49(0) 47 21 - 7 18 - 3 73

E-mail: info@pnewind.com

Investor Relations

cometis AG

Ulrich Wiehle / Dirk Stauer

Tel: +49(0)611 - 205855-11

Fax: +49(0)611 - 205855-66

E-mail: wiehle@cometis.de

Branche: Alternative energy
Index: CDAX, Prime All Share, Technologie All Share
Börsen: Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Berlin / free trade
Hamburg / free trade
Stuttgart / free trade
Düsseldorf / free trade
Hannover / free trade
München / free trade


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