EANS-News: Sunways AG / Appointment to new role Head of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations
Geschrieben am 14-10-2009 |
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Personnel/Company Information/Corporate Communications
Konstanz (euro adhoc) - Konstanz/Germany, 14 October 2009 - Sunways AG (FSE: SWW; ISIN DE0007332207, ISIN DE000A0BNPN0) appointed Dr. Harald F. Schaefer to the new Head of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations. Michael Wilhelm, Chairman of the Management Board of Sunways AG commented: "In connection with the realignment of Sunways AG, I am committed to expand our external and internal communications further. We also intend to significantly intensify our investor relations activities in a difficult market environment to strengthen investors´ trust in Sunways AG on a permanent basis. And I am pleased that we were able to attract an experienced professional for it." In future, Dr. Schaefer will be spokesman of Sunways AG and the point of contact for media and capital market. Previously, he was Director Communications & Investor Relations with Speedel Holding Ltd., a biotechnology company in Basle/Switzerland, and Manager Investor Relations with the chemicals and pharmaceuticals group Altana AG in Bad Homburg/Germany. Dr. Schaefer has additional experience from product marketing and the media. Harald Schaefer is a scientist, Ph.D., and Certified Investor Relations Officer (CIRO).
This press release is also available on www.sunways.de.
About Sunways Sunways AG, Konstanz/Germany, stands for consistent use of solar energy to secure long-term energy supply of man in an efficient and sustainable manner. Sunways offers technological competence, performance and highest quality - from single components to complete solar systems. Since its foundation in 1993, Sunways AG evolved into a technology leader in the photovoltaics industry serving international markets. With silicon-based solar cells, inverters, solar modules and solar systems, the company offers all components required for high-yield photovoltaic power generation. With photovoltaic solutions tailored to customers´ needs (transparent and coloured solar cells, in buildings integrated photovoltaic installations), Sunways makes exceptional ideas reality. Sunways AG has own branch offices in Barcelone/Spain and Bologna/Italy; subsidiaries of the company are Sunways Production GmbH in Arnstadt/Germany as well as MHH Solartechnik GmbH in Tübingen/Germany (distribution of components, layout of complete photovoltaic installations). The shares of Sunways AG are listed at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (SWW, ISIN DE0007332207, ISIN DE000A0BNPN0). In 2008, Sunways realised sales of about EUR 260 million. About 400 employees are working in the group.For further information, please visit www.sunways.de.
Ende der Mitteilung euro adhoc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: Sunways AG Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de
Further inquiry note:
Dr. Harald F. Schaefer
Head of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations
Tel.: +49 (0)7531 996 77-415
E-Mail: ir@sunways.de
Branche: Alternative energy ISIN: DE0007332207 WKN: 733220 Index: CDAX, Prime All Share, Technologie All Share Börsen: Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard Berlin / free trade Hamburg / free trade Stuttgart / free trade Düsseldorf / free trade München / free trade
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