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euro adhoc: Calida Holding AG / quarterly or semiannual financial statement / First half-year 2006: Calida on course

Geschrieben am 27-07-2006

Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc.
The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.


In the first half of 2006, the SWX Swiss Exchange listed Calida Group
continued its successful development within the strategic guidelines.
Sales and earnings rose significantly in the reporting period.
Integration of the French lingerie producer Aubade, now consolidated
for the first time, is progressing as planned and is already at an
advanced stage.

Following the successful acquisition of Aubade, the French producer
of luxury lingerie, the first half of 2006 was a time of integration
and consolidation for the Calida Group. Under inclusion of Aubade,
sales rose in comparison with the same period of the previous year by
61% to CHF 98.8 million.

The operating profit (EBIT) of the Calida Group improved from CHF 1.2
million to CHF 5.7 million. Net profit for the period increased from
CHF 1.4 million to CHF 3.6 million.

The demand for Calida products is very positive. The cornerstones of
this development are the Calida stores and the Calida shops-in-shops.
Their contribution to total sales has now reached 30%. In the
reporting period, ten new Calida stores were opened in Lausanne,
Berlin, Leipzig, Frankfurt, Bonn and Hamburg, among others.

For Aubade, the first half of the year, which is traditionally the
one in which stronger sales are recorded, resulted in a decline in
turnover, largely due to the cleaning up process as part of the
consolidation and integration of the Aubade brand into the Calida
Group. On Aubade's home market in France, stable sales to retail
trade customers were counter-weighed by lower sales to lingerie
chains and department stores. In the export markets, certain
loss-making distribution channels were closed and distribution
structures simplified.

On the whole, the Calida Group is well on course with two brands that
are excellently positioned in the target markets. The distribution
structures which are increasingly orientated to brand-exclusive
retail channels are proving their value. The integration of Aubade is
taking place consistently and rapidly with the aim of achieving
synergies, improved efficiencies and stronger profitability.

On a consolidated basis for the full year, we can plan with an
acquisition-related growth in sales of 20% and an improvement in the
operating profitability.

The half-year report 2006 will be available on 27th July 2006, at 7
a.m. under / Investor Relations / Financial reports.

end of announcement euro adhoc 27.07.2006 07:00:00

ots Originaltext: Calida
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Further inquiry note:
For further information:

Felix Sulzberger, CEO
Telephone: 0041 (0)41 925 42 48

Branche: Textiles & Clothing
ISIN: CH0009018133
WKN: 9018133
Börsen: SWX Swiss Exchange / official market


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