EANS-Adhoc: AdLINK Group: First 9 months 2009 within expectations
Geschrieben am 03-11-2009 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ad-hoc disclosure pursuant to section 15 of the WpHG transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Montabaur, November 3, 2009. The Executive Board and Supervisory Board of AdLINK Internet Media AG (AdLINK Group - ISIN DE 000549015 5) today adopted the consolidated figures for the first nine months of 2009.
As expected, the AdLINK Group´s business development over the first nine months was significantly affected by the economic crisis and advertising slump, as well as the resulting pressure on margins. Compared with prior-year figures still largely unaffected by these factors, profits in particular fell strongly.
Consolidated sales were down 1.2 % from EUR 106.7 million in the same period of 2008 (comparable prior-year figure after sale and deconsolidation of the Display Marketing segment) to EUR 105.4 million. Ordinary earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) fell by 36.4 % from EUR 10.7 million (comparable prior-year figure) to EUR 6.8 million. Ordinary earnings before taxes (EBT) fell by 50.0 % from EUR 7.4 million (comparable prior-year figure) to EUR 3.7 million.
Including non-recurring income of EUR 12.7 million resulting from the sale of shares in Hi-media and Goldbach Media to United Internet, EBITDA grew by 82.2 % to EUR 19.5 million and EBT by 121.6 % to EUR 16.4 million. After consideration of this one-off amount and the profit of EUR 18.2 million from selling the Display Marketing segment to Hi-media, consolidated net income amounted to EUR 32.3 million.
As a result of the sale of shares in Goldbach and Hi-media to United Internet, the AdLINK Group´s net borrowing was fully redeemed. After deduction of financial liabilities, cash and cash equivalents amount to EUR 7.1 million as of September 30, 2009 (December 31, 2008: EUR -33.0 million).
Earnings per share (EPS) rose from EUR 0.17 in the previous year to EUR 1.23 - this amount includes EUR 1.18 from positive non-recurring income.
|9-month comparison |Jan. - Sept. |Jan. - Sept. |Change | | |2008* |2009 | | |in EUR millions | | | | |Sales |106.7 |105.4 |-1.2% | |EBITDA excl. one-off income|10.7 |6.8 |-36.4% | |EBITDA incl. one-off income|10.7 |19.5 |82.2% | |EBT excl. one-off income |7.4 |3.7 |-50.0% | |EBT incl. one-off income |7.4 |16.4 |121.6% | |Net income incl. one-off |4.4 |32.3 |634.1% | |income | | | |
|Quarterly comparison |3rd quarter 2008*|3rd quarter 2009|Change | |in EUR millions | | | | |Sales |33.9 |32.7 |-3.5% | |EBITDA excl. one-off income|2 |2 |0.0% | |EBITDA incl. one-off income|2 |14.7 |635.0% | |EBT excl. one-off income |0.7 |0.9 |28.6% | |EBT incl. one-off income |0.7 |13.6 |1842.9% | |Net income incl. one-off |-0.6 |30.9 | | |income | | | |
* The key financial figures as of September 30, 2008 and for the 3rd quarter 2008 were correspondingly adjusted following the sale of the Display Marketing segment.
Ende der Mitteilung euro adhoc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: AdLINK Internet Media AG Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de
Further inquiry note:
Marcus Schaps
Head of PR
AdLINK Internet Media AG
Elgendorfer Str. 57
56410 Montabaur
Tel: +49 (0) 2602 - 96 1319
Fax: +49 (0) 2602 - 96 1013
E-mail: presse@adlinkgroup.net
Branche: Online ISIN: DE0005490155 WKN: 549015 Index: TecDAX, Prime All Share, Technologie All Share Börsen: Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard Berlin / free trade Hamburg / free trade Stuttgart / free trade Düsseldorf / free trade München / free trade
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