EANS-News: C-QUADRAT Investment AG / C-QUADRAT expands sales network to Spain and Italy
Geschrieben am 04-11-2009 |
C-QUADRAT funds now available in Spain and Italy also
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Company Information
Subtitle: C-QUADRAT funds now available in Spain and Italy also
Wien (euro adhoc) - Vienna/Frankfurt, 4.11.2009. A total return fund managed by C-QUADRAT & ARTS is now available in Spain and Italy as well, via insurance products for the retail market. The sales network of C-QUADRAT - the fund company - now extends to twelve countries with a total population of 289 million. Spain and Italy have now been integrated into the C-QUADRAT sales network covering Austria, Germany, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Romania and the three Baltic states. The C-QUADRAT ARTS Total Return Global-AMI (DE000A0F5G98) fund will be sold in Spain and Italy as part of a life assurance product marketed by Aspecta Lebensversicherung AG.
The investment policy pursued by the C-QUADRAT ARTS Total Return Global-AMI fund is based on a "total return" approach. The fund managers use a technical trading programme, specially developed by ARTS Asset Management for tracking medium-term trends. The aim is to generate an absolute return over the long term and over different market phases.
The assets of the fund may be fully invested in stocks and shares. The share quota may be reduced to zero in declining markets. In such a case, the bulk of assets are invested in investment funds comprising short-term bonds or fixed deposits. C-QUADRAT ARTS Total Return Global-AMI is characterised by a highly active management style. The trading system adheres to clearly defined trading rules and currently monitors more than 10,000 investment funds. Asset allocation is aimed at exploiting the yield potential of the most successful sectors and countries. C-QUADRAT ARTS Total Return Global-AMI is a fund operated by Ampega Gerling Investment GmbH. Since 27.3.2003, the fund has been managed by C-QUADRAT Kapitalanlage AG, which has delegated portfolio management to ARTS Asset Management GmbH. The fund has received many awards and has been rated by Stiftung Warentest, an independent organisation for consumer product testing, as "far above average". In the five years until 30.10.2009, shares in the fund have increased in value by +10.79% p.a.
C-QUADRAT- the fund company - is an independent asset manager operating across Europe. Founded in 1991, the company has had is own asset management company with a bank licence since 2003 and has been listed in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since November 2006 and at the Vienna Stock Exchange since May 2008. The C-QUADRAT team has made a name for itself across Europe with its asset management, analysis and investment fund management activities and by devising structured products. Innovative investment strategies for institutional investors round off the product offering. Many banks, insurance companies and financial service providers operating internationally rely on the expertise of C-QUADRAT.
The current version of the published sales prospectus for the aforementioned fund can be obtained by potential investors free of charge from AmpegaGerling Investment GmbH, Charles-de-Gaulle-Platz 1, D-50679 Cologne, from the registered offices of the fund´s depositary bank, from the registered offices of the payments and information office in Germany - Hauck & Aufhäuser Privatbankiers KGaA, Kaiserstrasse 24, D-60311 Frankfurt am Main, or downloaded from the Internet at www.c-quadrat.at. Past performance provides no indication of the future performance of an investment fund. Every investment of capital involves a degree of risk. The value of an investment may fall as well as rise. Initial charges and exit fees are not taken into account when calculating fund performance.
*C-QUADRAT ARTS Total Return Global-AMI: Rated by Stiftung Warentest as "far above average" (67.1 points) in a test of 381 globally investing funds (12th place), 11/2009 issue
Ende der Mitteilung euro adhoc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: C-QUADRAT Investment AG Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de
Further inquiry note:
Andreas Wimmer
Member of the Board
C-QUADRAT Investment AG
Stubenring 2
A-1010 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 515 66 316
Mail: a.wimmer@investmentfonds.at
Branche: Financial & Business Services ISIN: AT0000613005 WKN: Index: Standard Market Auction Börsen: Frankfurt / official market Wien / official market
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