EANS-Adhoc: Österreichische Post AG / Reaches Agreement with the Austrian Government on Basis for
Transferring Civil Servants to the Police Force
Geschrieben am 26-11-2009 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Company Information
Austrian Post Reaches Agreement with the Austrian Government on Basis for Transferring Civil Servants to the Police Force
On November 12, 2009, the Supervisory Board of Austrian Post approved the potential transfer of civil servants working for Austrian Post whose jobs have been lost or are threatened to the federal government. Before this actually occurs, the prerequisites have been established to enable up to 1,000 civil servants employed by the two companies Austrian Post and Telekom Austria to voluntarily transfer to the Austrian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the years to come.
"This agreement is a significant step in the right direction. We now have the opportunity to give civil servants losing their jobs at Austrian Post new perspectives for the future. Austrian Post requires a decreasing number of employees due to the ongoing reduction in mail volumes. Now we will be able to more effectively deal with the current structural change", says Austrian Post CEO Georg Pölzl.
The transfer to employment at the Ministry of Internal Affairs will take place exclusively on a voluntary basis. Similar to the situation of the 35 civil servants of Austrian Post who have already been assigned to the ministry, they will only carry out administrative duties on behalf of the police force. Following a training period, these civil servants at Austrian Post will be permanently assigned to work for the Austrian police after a maximum of nine months. Staff costs will continue to be borne by Austrian Post until June 2014, and then assumed by the federal government.
The expected positive financial effects on Austrian Post from 2014 onwards will depend on several different parameters, for example how long the respective employees has been working for the company, and how many employees accept employment at the Ministry of Internal Affairs in reality. Any potential future consequences on the balance sheet of Austrian Post in the next years will also depend on these parameters, for example the necessity to allocate provisions for the cost of employees transferring to the police force and whose salaries will have to be assumed by Austrian Post until the middle of 2014. In the case of affected employees for whom a provision for employee under- utilisation was allocated in the past, this provision could be released.
Vienna, November 26, 2009
end of announcement euro adhoc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: Österreichische Post AG Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de
Further inquiry note:
Österreichische Post AG
Leitung Investor Relations
DI Harald Hagenauer
Tel.: +43 57767-30400
Leitung Konzernkommunikation
Mag. Manuela Bruck
Tel.: +43 577 67-21897
Michael Homola
Tel.: +43 577 67-32010
Branche: Transport ISIN: AT0000APOST4 WKN: A0JML5 Index: ATX Prime, ATX Börsen: Wien / stock market
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