EANS-News: REpower Systems AG / REpower and EDF Energies Nouvelles & RES Canada sign framework contract covering up to 954 MW for wind farm projects in Québec, Canada
Geschrieben am 26-11-2009 |
Guaranteed minimum purchase capacity of 748 MW
Announcement today at press conference in Montreal
Turbines to be delivered between 2011 and 2015
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Company Information
Subtitle: Guaranteed minimum purchase capacity of 748 MW Announcement today at press conference in Montreal Turbines to be delivered between 2011 and 2015
Hamburg (euro adhoc) - Hamburg/Montreal, 26 November 2009. REpower Systems AG (WKN 617703) has signed a framework contract with EDF Energies Nouvelles and RES Canada which comprises the delivery of up to 954 megawatts for five projects in the Canadian province of Québec, currently developed by the consortium Saint-Laurent Énergies, a Montreal based wind energy company jointly owned by EEN Canada inc., RES Canada inc. and Hydroméga Services inc. The contract guarantees a minimum purchase capacity of 748 MW. This will be announced today at a press conference in Montreal by the consortium Saint-Laurent Énergies and REpower.
In May 2008, Saint-Laurent Énergies with REpower as turbine supplier was awarded the contract tendered by Hydro-Québec Distribution for five wind farm projects across Québec, comprising of up to 477 REpower MM82/92 wind turbines to be installed between 2011 and 2015. REpower is also responsible for commissioning the turbines.
At least 60% of the total investment will be made in Québec, 30% will be for the local manufacturing of components such as rotor blades, towers and electrical converters. Therefore, REpower has concluded contracts with local component suppliers in the Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine region and the Matane regional county municipality.
REpower CEO Per Hornung Pedersen said after the signing: "We are delighted that we can today announce the largest onshore contract in our company´s history. The contract confirms our strategic partnership with our customers EDF EN and RES. This is a giant leap forward for REpower towards our establishment in Canada, and bolsters our intention of further growth in the whole of North America - Canada and the USA."
REpower's Chief Supply Chain Officer (CSCO) Lars Rytter Kristensen commented in Montreal: "The signing of this contract shows the trust that our customers and Hydro-Québec place in the reliable technology of our turbines. Thanks to the settlement of local suppliers in the region, we can rapidly expand our supply chain and thus our competence on the North American wind energy market."
end of announcement euro adhoc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: REpower Systems AG Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de
Further inquiry note:
Heike Binder
Tel.: +49(0)40 5555090-3209
E-Mail: heike.binder@repower.de
Branche: Alternative energy ISIN: DE0006177033 WKN: 617703 Index: CDAX, Prime All Share, Technology All Share Börsen: Berlin / Open Market Hamburg / Open Market Stuttgart / Open Market Düsseldorf / Open Market München / Open Market Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
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