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EANS-General Meeting: CHRIST WATER TECHNOLOGY AG / Invitation to the General Meeting

Geschrieben am 27-11-2009

General meeting information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.

5310 Mondsee, Walter-Simmer-Straße 4
FN 173093 z
(the "Company")


The shareholders of the Company are herewith invited to the
Extraordinary General Meeting of CHRIST WATER TECHNOLOGY AG which
will take place on Friday, 18 December 2009, at 9:30 a.m., at the
premises of the Oesterreichische Kontrollbank (OeKB) in 1010 Vienna,
Strauchgasse 1-3, "Reitersaal".

The A g e n d a is as follows: 1. Resolution regarding the number of
members of the Supervisory Board, whereby the number of members to be
elected by the General Meeting within the framework defined by the
Articles of Association shall be decreased from the current five
members to three members to be elected by the General Meeting. 2.
Election of new Supervisory Board members. 3. Election of the
auditors for the Company´s annual financial statements and for the
Company´s annual consolidated financial statements for the fiscal
year 2009.


The documents pursuant to § 108 Sec 3 Stock Corporation Act, in
particular the proposals for the resolutions of the Supervisory Board
and the declarations of the candidates for election as new
Supervisory Board members pursuant to § 87 Sec 2 Stock Corporation
Act are available for inspection by shareholders at the Company´s
premises in 5310 Mondsee, Walter-Simmer-Straße 4, from 27.11.2009.
These documents, the full version of this invitation and the form for
the granting and revocation of a proxy for the General Meeting (§ 114
Stock Corporation Act) may additionally be downloaded free of charge
on the Company´s website from
27.11.2009. The above-mentioned information is also permanently
available on the Company´s website until the expiry of a one month
period after the General Meeting.

Right to participate - Record date and Safe custody receipt

As a result of the amendments of the Stock Corporation Act based on
the Act Amending the Stock Corporation Act 2009
("Aktienrechtsänderungsgesetz 2009") the regulations in the Articles
of Association of the Company regarding the convocation of a General
Meeting, the deposit of shares for the General Meeting and the right
to participate in the General Meeting do not apply.

Participation in the General Meeting and the exercising of
shareholders´ rights, which are exercised in course of a General
Meeting, depend on the ownership of shares on the record date, that
is the end of the tenth day before the General Meeting, accordingly,
on 08.12.2009 (Mariä Empfängnis), 12 p.m. (midnight) CET.
Participation in the General Meeting is only permitted if a person is
shareholder on that date and proves this fact to the Company.

In case of deposited bearer shares ("depotverwahrte Inhaberaktien")
evidence of the capacity as shareholder may be satisfactorily
provided by submitting a safe custody receipt ("Depotbestätigung")
pursuant § 10a Stock Corporation Act, which must be received by our
Company no later than 15.12.2009. In case of interim certificates
("Zwischenscheine") the respective shareholders do not have to submit
such evidence. The Company will verify whether the respective
shareholder is registered with the Company´s share register
("Aktienbuch") on the record date.

The safe custody receipt ("Depotbestätigung") must be issued by a
credit institution keeping the deposit with its seat in a member
state of the European Economic Area or in a full member state of OECD
and needs to contain at least the matters set out in § 10a Stock
Corporation Act: Information concerning the entity issuing the
receipt: Name/corporate name and address. Information concerning the
shareholder: Name/corporate name, address, date of birth for natural
persons, and where applicable commercial registry and commercial
registration number. Information concerning the shares: Number of
shares held by the shareholder, safe custody number, inter alia, any
other relevant description, and date in relation to which the safe
custody receipt has been issued. The safe custody receipt must refer
to the record date of 08.12.2009 in order to qualify as evidence of
share ownership for the purposes of participation at the General
Meeting. The safe custody receipt ("Depotbestätigung") may be
submitted in the German or English language and must be in writing
(with signature under private hand) ("Schriftform").

The transmission of the safe custody receipt ("Depotbestätigung") via
an internationally disseminated, specifically secured communication
network of credit institutions is excluded pursuant to § 262 Sec 20
Stock Corporation Act. The safe custody receipts
("Depotbestätigungen") may, accordingly, only be submitted via fax to
+43 6232 9011 1099 or by postal service to CHRIST WATER TECHNOLOGY
AG, A-5310 Mondsee, Walter-Simmer-Straße 4. A transmission by
electronic means (email) is merely possible in case a qualified
electronic signature (§ 4 Act on Signatures, "SignaturG") is used; in
such case only the following email address may be used:

Shareholders should note that shares do not become non-tradable
either as a result of a registration for the General Meeting nor
through the submission of a safe custody receipt
("Depotbestätigung"), and shareholders are able to freely dispose
without restriction over their shares even after the registration is
effected or the safe custody receipt ("Depotbestätigung") has been

Reference to the shareholder´s rights pursuant to § 106 Subsec 5
Stock Corporation Act

Shareholders holding shares equalling in aggregate at least 5 % of
the share capital may - pursuant to § 109 Stock Corporation Act -
request in writing that agenda items are added to the agenda of the
General Meeting and are published, accordingly. Each requested
addition to the agenda must include a proposal for a resolution and a
detailed explanation of the reasons for the proposal. Shareholders
making such request must have held their shares for a period of three
(3) months prior to submitting the request. Such request in writing
(with signature under private hand) ("Schriftform") must be received
by the Company on the 19th day before the General Meeting, that is on
29.11.2009, solely at the address of CHRIST WATER TECHNOLOGY AG,
A-5310 Mondsee, Walter-Simmer-Straße 4. A transmission by electronic
means (email) is only possible in case a qualified electronic
signature (§ 4 Act on Signatures, "SignaturG") is used; in such case
only the following email address may be used:

Shareholders holding shares equalling in aggregate 1 % of the share
capital may - pursuant to § 110 Stock Corporation Act - submit to the
Company in respect of each agenda item in writing ("Textform")
proposals for resolutions and may request that these proposals are
made available on the Company´s website together with the names of
the respective shareholders, to which the reasoning must be attached
and - where applicable - the statements of the Managing Board or the
Supervisory Board. In case of a proposal for election of a
Supervisory Board member (item 2 of the agenda) a declaration of the
person being nominated pursuant to § 87 Sec 2 Stock Corporation Act
is required instead of an explanation of the reasons for the
proposal. Where such declaration is not provided, no vote regarding
the person so nominated is permitted. The request must only be taken
into account by the Company if it is received by the Company on the
7th business day before the General Meeting, that is 29.11.2009, the
latest, at the address CHRIST WATER TECHNOLOGY AG, A-5310 Mondsee,
Walter-Simmer-Straße 4 or via fax to +43 6232 9011 1099 or via email

To exercise the shareholders´ rights pursuant to § 109 Stock
Corporation Act and § 110 Stock Corporation Act evidence of capacity
as shareholder must be provided. In case of deposited bearer shares
("depotverwahrte Inhaberaktien") the submission of a safe custody
receipt ("Depotbestätigung") is sufficient evidence pursuant to § 10a
Stock Corporation Act, which must not be older than seven (7) days
upon submission to the Company. In respect of the other requirements
related to safe custody receipts ("Depotbestätigungen"), reference is
made to the above explanations. In connection with the exercise of
shareholders´ rights pursuant to § 109 Stock Corporation Act, the
safe custody receipt must indicate that the shareholder has held the
shares for at least three (3) months prior to the date of any
application under § 109 Stock Corporation Act. In case of interim
certificates ("Zwischenscheine") the Company will check the capacity
as shareholder with the Company´s share register ("Aktienbuch").

Information on the affairs of the Company must be provided upon
request to each shareholder in the General Meeting pursuant to § 118
Stock Corporation Act, as far as such information is required for the
proper assessment of an agenda item. The obligation to render
information extends also to the legal and business relationships of
the Company to an affiliated company. Information may be refused to
the extent the relevant information - based on a reasonable economic
assessment - could cause a material disadvantage to the Company or an
affiliated company, or where providing such information would lead to
criminal liability. Information may also be refused in case the
relevant information has been permanently available in the form of
questions and answers on the Company´s website for a period of at
least seven (7) days before the General Meeting. Reference must be
made to the reason for any refusal.

Each shareholder, the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board are
entitled to propose resolutions in the General Meeting in respect of
each agenda item pursuant to § 119 Stock Corporation Act. A
resolution may not be passed in respect of an item, which was not
properly set out in the agenda. No announcement is required in case a
resolution is passed on an application for convocation of a General
Meeting submitted in the General Meeting and in case of debates
without votes. A proposal for a resolution, which was published
pursuant to § 110 Stock Corporation Act on the Company´s website, can
only be voted upon if it is repeated as an application in the General
Meeting. A shareholder proposal to elect a member of the Supervisory
Board must mandatorily be preceded by the submission of a proposal
for a resolution pursuant to § 110 Stock Corporation Act along with
the declaration required pursuant to § 87(2) Stock Corporation Act
(see above).

Further information on shareholders´ rights pursuant to §§ 109, 110,
118 and 119 Stock Corporation Act may be found on the Company´s

Representation by proxies

Each shareholder entitled to participate in the General Meeting has
the right to appoint a natural or a legal person as proxy, who
participates in the General Meeting in the name of the shareholder
and who has the same rights as the shareholder, whom he/she
represents. The Company itself, a member of the Managing Board or the
Supervisory Board may only exercise voting rights as proxy to the
extent the shareholder issued an explicit voting instruction in
respect of the specific agenda items.

The proxy must be issued in writing ("Textform"); a revocation must
also be in writing ("Textform"). For the appointment of a proxy and
its revocation the form, being available free of charge on the
Company´s website, or which
may be sent upon request by the Company to a shareholder, may be
used. The proxy and its revocation, respectively, may either be
handed over to the Company in the General Meeting up to the
commencement of voting, or may be submitted via fax to +43 6232 9011
1099, via email to or via postal services to
CHRIST WATER TECHNOLOGY AG, A-5310 Mondsee, Walter-Simmer-Straße 4,
whereby in case of use of these means of communication the proxy or
its revocation must in any case be received by the Company no later
than 17.12.2009, 1 p.m. CET.

In case a shareholder has granted a proxy to the credit institution
keeping his or her deposit, it is sufficient that the credit
institution declares that in addition to the safe custody receipts
("Depotbestätigungen") that a proxy was granted to the credit
institution. The submission of such declaration via an
internationally disseminated, specifically secured communication
network of credit institutions is expressly excluded pursuant to §
262 Sec 20 Stock Corporation Act; the submission is effected through
the communication channels referred to above in connection with the
safe custody receipts ("Depotbestätigungen").

Pursuant to § 106 Subsec 9 Stock Corporation Act and § 83 Sec 2
Subsec 1 Stock Exchange Act the Company hereby advises that the share
capital of the Company is divided into 19,644,349 non par value
bearer shares. Each non par value share confers the right to one
vote. The Company has no own shares at the time of convocation of the
General Meeting. Accordingly, currently 19,644,349 voting rights may
be exercised.

Mondsee, November 2009

end of announcement euro adhoc

Im Internet recherchierbar:

Further inquiry note:

Christ Water Technology AG

Mag. Ralf Burchert

Tel.: 06232/5011-1113

Branche: Biotechnology
ISIN: AT0000499157
WKN: 675399
Index: WBI, ATX Prime
Börsen: Wien / official market


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