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GLV Completes the Acquisition of Christ Water Technology AG's Voting Shares

Geschrieben am 30-11-2009

Montreal, Canada, November 30 (ots/PRNewswire) - Management of GLV
Inc. ("GLV" or the "Company"; ticker symbols GLV.A, GLV.B / TSX) is
pleased to announce the closing of the acquisition, by its indirect
subsidiary Eimco Water Technologies GmbH, of 80.5% of the shares of
Christ Water Technology AG ("CWT") tendered by CWT shareholders into
GLV's voluntary takeover bid during the tender period ended November
17, 2009, for a cash consideration of $85 M (the "Transaction"). In
addition to shares of CWT acquired in the Transaction, GLV continues
to purchase shares of CWT on the secondary market at a maximum price
equal to the tender offer price. As of November 27th, 2009 the
Company owned 83.1% of CWT's Voting Shares. The Transaction is
partially financed by the $53.3 M gross proceeds from the issue of
GLV Class A subordinate voting shares in exchange for the
subscription receipts held by the Caisse de depot et placement du
Quebec and the Solidarity Fund QFL (the "Fund") in relation to the
Transaction as announced November 23, 2009. The Transaction is also
financed by the issuance of a $25 M subordinated debenture by GLV to
the Fund and by drawing on GLV's existing credit facility. CWT's net
debt is estimated at approximately $48 M as of today (net of CWT's
estimated cash position), including approximately $80 M of bonds.

CWT shareholders who have not yet tendered their shares are
reminded that they may do so during the three months following the
tender period for a cash consideration of EUR3.35 per share pursuant
to the same terms as set forth in GLV's voluntary takeover bid . GLV
aims to acquire 100% of CWT's shares for an additional cash
consideration of approximately $20 M (at the current exchange rate).

Furthermore, considering the change of control triggered by the
Transaction, CWT bondholders have a right, at their option, to
require repayment of their bonds at their nominal value plus accrued
interest. The repayment of the bonds under this triggered right is
only valid to the extent that termination notices representing at
least 15% of the total nominal value of the outstanding bonds are
received by the payment agent (UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Abt 8811
Zahlstellendienst Julius Tandler-Platz 3, A-1090 Wien) from
bondholders within 30 days following the closing of the Transaction
as announced today.

About GLV Inc.

GLV is a leading global provider of technological solutions used
in water treatment as well as pulp and paper production. The Water
Treatment Group comprises two business entities, Eimco Water
Technologies ("EWT") and 83.1% owned subsidiary Christ Water
Technology" ("CWT"). It specializes in the design and international
marketing of high-performance, economical and eco-friendly solutions
and processes for the treatment, ultra-purification and recycling of
municipal and industrial wastewater and water used in various
industrial processes. It mainly offers solutions for power stations,
the petrochemicals industry, seawater desalination plants and
addresses specific needs of the microelectronics industry. With its
extensive technological portfolio, the group is positioned to provide
comprehensive solutions for the screening, filtration, clarification,
treatment and purification of water that will either be returned into
the environment, or be re-used in various industrial processes or for
domestic purposes. The Pulp and Paper Group specializes in the design
and global marketing of equipment and systems used in various stages
of pulp and paper production, notably chemical pulping, pulp
preparation and sheet formation and finishing. This group ranks among
the foremost players in its industry and is a recognized leader in
rebuilding, upgrading and optimization services for existing
equipment, as well as the sale of spare parts. It also stands apart
for the superior performance of several of its key products and
technologies, notably in terms of energy savings. GLV and its CWT
subsidiary are present in more than 30 countries and, as of the date
hereof, have approximately 2,400 employees.

For information:
Marc Barbeau, CA
Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer
Tel: +1-514-284-2224

ots Originaltext: GLV Canada inc
Im Internet recherchierbar:

For information: Marc Barbeau, CA, Executive Vice-President and Chief
Financial Officer, Tel: +1-514-284-2224, Email:


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