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easyFairs(R) Appoints New CEO and Unveils Plan to Double in Size in Three Years

Geschrieben am 14-01-2010

Brussels (ots/PRNewswire) - easyFairs, the world's leading
organiser of time & cost-effective trade shows, today announced the
appointment of Jean-François Quentin as its Chief Executive Officer,
tasked to drive the next phase of development of the company.

In just five years easyFairs has grown from a handful of shows in
two countries to a strong portfolio of more than 90 shows in 16

The company has used the economic slow-down to consolidate this
growth while developing new show concepts. With positive signs of an
economic upturn, easyFairs is preparing for the next chapter in its
development story.

The strategic objective is to double in size over the next three
years by:

- Increasing the size of existing shows
- Launching 30 new shows per year
- Making targeted acquisitions

Eric Everard, Executive Chairman and Founder of easyFairs said
"We have a focused, winning team and I look forward to working in
tandem with Jean-François Quentin in his new role as CEO.
Jean-François has played a leading role at easyFairs since the very
beginning, building the team that will drive our next round of

Jean-François Quentin is a founding member of the easyFairs
management team and has served as Chief Operating Officer since March
2004. "I am very excited by the challenge of further developing
easyFairs as the reference brand for low cost trade shows that
deliver return on investment exhibitors, as well as excellent value
for visitors' time. To do this we must maintain a focus on our proven
strengths." said Quentin.

Eric Everard added "Peter Hazelzet has decided to step down from
his role as CEO. I would like to thank Peter for his contribution to
positioning easyFairs strategically and on a global basis during his

Information about easyFairs(R) :

(company information: )

ots Originaltext: easyFairs
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CONTACT: Julian Kulkarni, Direct: +32(0)2-740-10-80,
Switchboard:+32(0)2-740-10-70, Mobile: +32(0)498-91-56-85, Fax:


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