
AmCham Business Barometer 2010: Germany Confirms Top Position - American Companies Optimistic For Future Developments

Geschrieben am 20-04-2010

Berlin (ots) - Germany confirms its position for the second time
in a row as the top business location for American companies in
Europe. The VII. Business Barometer published today by the American
Chamber of Commerce (AmCham Germany) even declares Germany a
winner over the effects of the crisis. According to the study,
Germany further expanded its advantage over both Western and
Eastern Europe. More than half of those surveyed assume that the
effects of the crisis will further decrease.

AmCham Germany publishes the annual Business Barometer together
with the Boston Consulting Group. The renowned survey presents
the assessments of 102 US companies active in Germany.
Especially remarkable is the considerable improvement over the
previous year: In 2009 ten percent of those surveyed indicated
that Germany had become a more attractive business location, while
this figure jumped to 23 percent this year. The result is
striking, considering that several US companies experienced
considerable revenue losses in 2009, also in Germany. However
they look optimistically to the future and expect a resurgence
of revenues and investments. 80 percent of those surveyed even
named Germany as their future focal point for investments in
Europe. Germany is distantly followed by Eastern European EU
member states (38 percent, non-EU member states: 32 percent), Great
Britain (32 percent), France (28 percent) and Italy (11

Those surveyed also indicated an intention to increase
their research and development activities (plus 29 percent).
Interview partners especially praised the "world-class performance"
of German R&D divisions as well as cooperation with German
universities and research centers. The high quality provided by
Germany's research landscape has already prompted several US
companies to establish their research centers here - some with
global reach.

Dr. Jürgen Friedrich, Chief Executive of Germany Trade &
Invest: "The results of the AmCham Business Barometer are
decisive. Especially US companies - many of them active in Germany
for years - have an excellent command of international markets. For
this reason, their assessments carry significant clout. Germany's
reselection as the best business location in Europe is a
distinction that recognizes and honors its improved investment

Those surveyed indicated that stable domestic demand in
Germany compared to other markets contributed to the positive
results. Consumption declined less here than in other
countries. Other reasons included Germany's large, well developed
market. Germany plays a globally important role as a market
for US companies, especially due to its low level of volatility.

Productivity as well as the security and quality of
individual production processes positively influenced the survey
results on Germany as a business location. These quality traits
point to the highly qualified workforce on one hand and the
qualities often associated with Germany, such as reliability,
precision and diligence on the other.

Germany also received positive marks in terms of job
market deregulation. Federal government measures to promote
short-time work are seen as an especially effective tool, as
they have allowed companies to react flexibly to economic
fluctuation. Qualified employees have been able to be retained in
a difficult economic environment while companies have also
benefitted from a simultaneous short-term decrease in labor costs.

The federal economic stimulus measures are also rated
positively. Companies credited their effectiveness to their focus
on boosting the future strength of the economy, rather than an
across-the-board implementation. At 56 percent, the majority of
companies surveyed believe that Germany has been considerably
less affected by the crisis than other countries in Europe. Along
with the reasons cited, this is attributed to the German economy's
broad industrial basis, industry mix and the continued high level
of industrial production. According to those surveyed, these
factors provide a considerable advantage, especially over
countries that are heavily dependent on services.

More information on the VII. AmCham Business Barometer is
available at:

Germany Trade & Invest is the foreign trade and inward
investment promotion agency of the Federal Republic of
Germany. The organization advises foreign companies looking to
expand their business activities to the German market. It provides
information on foreign trade to German companies that seek to
enter foreign markets.

Originaltext: Germany Trade and Invest
digital press kits: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/74441
press kits via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_74441.rss2

Germany Trade & Invest
Eva Henkel
Email: eva.henkel@gtai.com
T: +49(0)30-200099-173
F: +49(0)30-200099-111


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