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EANS-News: DEWB Investment Holding NOXXON Pharma AG appoints Dr. Aram Mangasarian as Chief Business Officer

Geschrieben am 18-05-2010

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

Company Information

Berlin, Germany, May 18, 2010 (euro adhoc) - NOXXON Pharma AG
(NOXXON), a company focused on the development of mirror image
oligonucleotide therapeutics called Spiegelmers®, announced today the
appointment of Dr. Aram Mangasarian as Chief Business Officer and
Member of the Executive Committee. Dr. Mangasarian will be
responsible for corporate and business development activities for

Dr. Mangasarian brings to NOXXON more than 10 years of business
development and strategic planning experience within the
biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry. He joins NOXXON from
Novexel, a French venture-funded anti-infectives company, which was
recently acquired by AstraZeneca (NYSE:AZN), where he held the
position of Vice President of Business Development. Prior to Novexel,
Dr. Mangasarian served as Vice President of Business Development at
ExonHit Therapeutics (Alternext:ALEHT). As graduate of the University
of California, San Diego, Dr. Mangasarian earned his PhD in the
Department of Biology by conducting research on HIV. He also holds an
MBA from INSEAD. In his career he has successfully negotiated
licensing transactions and strategic alliances with major
pharmaceutical companies.

Dr. Mangasarian will work side by side with Dr. Frank Morich,
NOXXON´s Chief Executive Officer, and Dr. Sven Klussmann, Chief
Scientific Officer. "Dr. Mangasarian brings to NOXXON an outstanding
combination of business experience and scientific understanding."
said Dr. Morich. "I am confident that Dr. Mangasarian is more than
qualified to contribute to NOXXON´s further development in the
biopharmaceutical industry. We all look forward to working with him."

"The recent positive results from the Phase I clinical trials of
NOX-E36 and NOX-A12 make it a very exciting time to join NOXXON. I
look forward to further developing NOXXON´s corporate strategy and to
rapidly advancing ongoing business discussions." commented Dr. Aram
Mangasarian newly-appointed Chief Business Officer at NOXXON.

About NOXXON Berlin-based NOXXON Pharma AG is a clinical stage
biotechnology company focusing on the development of Spiegelmers® for
the treatment of various disease indications. NOXXON is in possession
of a broad patent estate and has access to a readily scalable GMP
production. In addition to its in-house programs, NOXXON discovers
and develops Spiegelmers® in collaboration with partners from the
pharmaceutical industry, including Eli Lilly and Hoffmann La-Roche.
The business strategy of NOXXON is to broaden this range of
collaborations through co-development and licensing agreements for
the proprietary clinical and pre-clinical products as well as
technology-based multi-target partnerships. Currently, the company
has two compounds in clinical development. The declared goal of
NOXXON is to establish its oligonucleotide-based drug discovery
platform (Spiegelmers®) as the leading 'scaffold' technology to
create new chemical entities with superior properties. NOXXON´s
investors are TVM Capital, Sofinnova Partners, Edmond de Rothschild
Investment Partners, Deutsche Effecten- und
Wechsel-Beteiligungsgesellschaft (DEWB), Seventure Partners, Dow
Venture Capital, Dieckell Group, FCP OP MEDICAL BioHealth- Trends,
IBG Risikokapitalfonds, VC Fonds Berlin, and others. Webseite:

General contact:
Emmanuelle Delabre
Max-Dohrn-Strasse 8-10
10589 Berlin, Germany

Phone: + 49-30-726247-100
FAX: + 49-30-726247-225
Email: edelabre@noxxon.com

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: Deutsche Effecten- und Wechsel-Beteiligungsges. AG (DEWB)
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Marco Scheidler

Tel.: +49 (0) 3641 573-3600

E-Mail: marco.scheidler@dewb-vc.com

Branche: Financial & Business Services
ISIN: DE0008041005
WKN: 804100
Index: CDAX, Classic All Share
Börsen: Berlin / free trade
Stuttgart / free trade
München / free trade
Frankfurt / regulated dealing/general standard


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