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Solarfun To Participate In 2010 Intersolar Germany PV Power Expo

Geschrieben am 02-06-2010

SHANGHAI, China (ots) - Solarfun Power Holdings Co., Ltd.
("Solarfun" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: SOLF), a vertically integrated
manufacturer of silicon ingots and photovoltaic ("PV") cells and
modules in China, will exhibit its new products at International
Solar ("Intersolar") Germany at the New Trade Fair Centre in Munich
from June 9 to 11, 2010. The Company can be found in Hall B6, Booth

Solarfun will display some of its most popular modules, including
SF 160-24 Mono, SF220-30 Poly, SF260-36 Poly, and its "Black Diamond"
label modules, including SF160 Mono and SF260 Mono. The Company will
also introduce its newest product, the SolarIris building integrated
photovoltaic ("BIPV") module

About Solarfun

Solarfun manufactures silicon ingots, wafers, PV cells and PV
modules and provides PV module processing services to convert PV
cells into PV modules. Solarfun produces both monocrystalline and
multicrystalline silicon cells and modules. Solarfun sells its
products through third-party distributors, OEM manufacturers and
directly to system integrators. Solarfun was founded in 2004 and its
products have been certified to TUV and UL safety and quality
standards. SOLF-G For further information, visit

Originaltext: Solarfun Power Deutschland GmbH
digital press kits:
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Solarfun Power Holdings Co., Ltd.
Media Contact:
Fancy Li
Senior Marketing Manager

Investor Relations:
Paul Combs
V.P. Strategic Planning,
26F BM Tower, 218 Wusong Road
Shanghai, 200080, P. R. China
Tel: 86-21-26022833 / Mobile: 86 138 1612 2768


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