
EANS-News: aleo solar AG / aleo solar Annual General Meeting endorses Management Board's strategy

Geschrieben am 18-06-2010

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

Annual & Special Corporate Meetings

Prenzlau/Oldenburg (euro adhoc) - aleo solar AG today announced that
its shareholders on Thursday very clearly endorsed the Management
Board's strategy at the Company's fourth Annual General Meeting
(AGM). The actions of both the Management Board and the Supervisory
Board were formally approved by a large majority. All other proposed
resolutions were also adopted by a large majority of at least 99
percent. It was resolved to retain aleo solar AG's accumulated
profits within the company to broaden the basis for its further
growth. The shareholders also adopted the existing anticipatory
resolution to increase the Company's share capital if necessary. This
can take place with the approval of the Supervisory Board once or
repeatedly by up to EUR 6,515,200.00 by issuing up to 6,515,200 new
no-par value shares with a pro-rata interest in the share capital of
EUR 1.00 each in return for contributions in cash or in kind. As
there are no concrete plans to utilise the authorised capital, the
measure is intended to enhance the Company's flexibility.

"We have experienced a very strong first quarter in 2010, and this
strong revenue trend has continued through April and May", informed
York zu Putlitz, aleo solar AG's Chief Executive Officer,
shareholders about the strong business performance in 2010. He claims
for a clear course by the German government regarding the feed-in
tariff. "However, to avoid a slump in orders this summer, the German
government must do its part and at last make a decision that will
give us confidence to plan ahead."

The announced cuts effected order predrawings which had a positive
influence on the Company´s business in the german market added Chief
Sales Officer Norbert Schlesiger. He stressed the importance of
internationalisation for the Company's business: "In the second half
of the year, we will be increasing our focus on our international
markets, including our southern European core markets such as Italy,
France and Greece. But we have also entered the UK market, where an
attractive feed-in tariff was introduced in April 2010."

York zu Putlitz, CEO of aleo solar AG, summed up as follows: "The AGM
endorsed our strategy: strength in sales, internationalisation, high
quality and a strong brand will continue to ensure our future

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: aleo solar AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

York zu Putlitz


Tel.: +49 (0)441-21988-770

E-Mail: Invest@aleo-solar.de

Branche: Alternative energy
ISIN: DE000A0JM634
Index: CDAX, Prime All Share, Technology All Share
Börsen: Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Berlin / free trade
Hamburg / free trade
Stuttgart / free trade
Düsseldorf / free trade
München / free trade


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