
EANS-General Meeting: Zumtobel AG / Invitation to the General Meeting

Geschrieben am 24-06-2010

General meeting information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.

The Management Board of ZUMTOBEL AG (the "Company") invites all
shareholders of the Company to attend the

34th Annual General Meeting

on Friday, 23 July 2010, at 10.00 am in the Kulturhaus
Dornbirn, large auditorium, Rathausplatz 1, A-6850 Dornbirn.


1. Presentation of the approved annual financial statements as of 30
April 2010 with the report of the Management Board, the corporate
governance report and the report of the Supervisory Board on the
2009/2010 financial year as well as presentation of the
consolidated financial statements and the group management
report on the 2009/2010 financial year.

2. Presentation of the proposal for the use of profit and resolution
on the use of profit for the 2009/2010 financial year.

3. Resolution on the release of the members of the Management
Board and Supervisory Board from liability for the 2009/2010
financial year.

4. Election of Supervisory Board members.

5. Resolution to determine the remuneration for the members of the
Supervisory Board for the 2010/2011 financial year.

6. Election of an auditor for the annual financial statements and
management report as well as the consolidated financial statements
and group management report for the 2010/11 financial year.

The entitlement to participate in the annual general meeting is
subject to holding shares in ZUMTOBEL AG on the record date, which
is at the end of tenth day prior to the annual general meeting and
therefore 13 July 2010. The holding of shares on the record date is
to be evidenced by the provision of a written safe custody receipt
in German or English pursuant to § 10a Stock Corporation Act
(AktG) and issued by a custodian institution headquartered in a state
which must be either a member state of the European Economic Area or
a full member of the OECD. The safe custody receipt must be received
by the Company no later than the third business day prior to the
annual general meeting, which is 20 July 2010, by one of the
following methods:

by post: ZUMTOBEL AG
z.Hd. Harald Albrecht
Höchsterstraße 8
A-6850 Dornbirn

by fax: +43 5572 509 91125


by email: investorrelations@zumtobel.com, in which case the
safe custody receipt must be attached to the email in text form, for
example as a PDF file.



(Message type MT598; ISIN AT0000837307 must be stated in the text).

Shareholders who are registered in the stock record book and whose
shares are securitised in interim certificates may also attend the
annual general meeting without fulfilling the deposit requirement
if they register in writing no later than three business days prior
to the annual general meeting.

Pursuant to § 83 (2) 1 Stock Exchange Act (BörseG), notification is
also hereby provided that the Company has issued 43,500,000 bearer
shares and each share carries the right to one vote. The Company
currently holds 774,957 shares as treasury stock, which are not
entitled to vote pursuant to § 65 (5) Stock Corporation Act
(AktG); after the deduction of these treasury shares, a total of
42,725,043 shares are entitled to vote. The numbers mentioned
in this paragraph were determined as of 23 June 2010 and are subject
to change before the annual general meeting.

The documents pursuant to § 108 (3 to 5) Stock Corporation Act
(convocation pursuant to § 106 Stock Corporation Act, proposed
resolutions, statements pursuant to § 87 (2) Stock Corporation Act,
annual financial statements with management report, corporate
governance report, the consolidated annual financial statements
with the group management report, proposal on the use of profits,
report of the Supervisory Board pursuant to § 96 Stock Corporation
Act (AktG), forms for the granting or revocation of a proxy) will be
available for inspection by shareholders at the headquarters of
the Company during normal business hours from 2 July 2010. These
documents will also be available for download free of charge
from www.zumtobelgroup.com from 2 July 2010.

Shareholders should note their entitlement to request the addition of
items to the agenda pursuant to § 109 Stock Corporation Act, to
submit proposals for resolutions pursuant to § 110 Stock
Corporation Act and to request information at the annual general
meeting pursuant to § 118 Stock Corporation Act. A request to
add items to the agenda and to publish them must be taken into
account if it is received by the Company no later than the 21st day
prior to the annual general meeting, which is 2 July
2010, by email to investorrelations@zumtobel.com along with
evidence of capacity as shareholder. A request to make proposals
for resolutions available on the Company´s website along with the
names of the respective shareholders, to which the reasoning

and, where applicable, the statements of the Management Board or the
Supervisory Board is to be attached, must be taken into account if it is
received by the Company no later than the seventh business day prior to the
annual general meeting, which is 14 July 2010, by email to

investorrelations@zumtobel.com along with evidence of capacity as
shareholder. Further information about these rights is available on
the Company´s website at www.zumtobelgroup.com.

Every shareholder who is entitled to take part in the annual
general meeting may, pursuant to § 113 (1) Stock Corporation Act,
appoint a natural or legal person as proxy. Proxy must be granted
to a specific person in writing and, as in the case of a revocation
of proxy, must be submitted in good time prior to the annual
general meeting, either by handing it over personally no later than
during registration for the annual general meeting at the meeting
venue, or by sending it to the person responsible for Investor
Relations at the Company to arrive no later than 8.00 am on 23
July 2010 by one of the following methods:

by post: ZUMTOBEL AG
z.Hd. Harald Albrecht
Höchsterstraße 8
A-6850 Dornbirn


by fax: +43 5572 509 91125


by email: investorrelations@zumtobel.com, in which case the proxy or its
revocation must be attached to the email in text form, for example as a PDF

Forms for the granting and for the revocation of proxy can be downloaded free
of charge from www.zumtobelgroup.com.

As a special service, Dr. Michael Knap of the interest group for investors (IVA
- "Interessenverband für Anleger"), Feldmühlgasse 22, A-1130 Vienna, is

available to serve as an independent representative for the
non-discretionary exercise of voting rights at the annual general
meeting. Dr. Knap may be contacted directly under tel: +43 (1)
8763343-30, fax: +43 (1) 8763343-39, cell phone +43 (664) 2138740 or
email michael.knap@iva.or.at. Further information is

available on the internet at www.zumtobelgroup.com and can be ordered free of
charge from the Company. The voting representative will be present at the
annual general meeting.

Dornbirn, June 2010 The Management Board

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: SEG Immo AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Pressekontakt Kontakt Investor Relations

Astrid Kühn-Ulrich Harald Albrecht

Head of Corp. Communications Head of Investor Relations

Tel. +43-(0)5572 509-1570 Tel. +43-(0)5572 509-1125

astrid.kuehn@zumtobel.com harald.albrecht@zumtobel.com

Branche: Technology
ISIN: AT0000837307
Index: WBI, ATX Prime, ATX
Börsen: Wien / official market


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