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EANS-News: Hoeft & Wessel unveiling a new generation of stationary ticket vending machines (with photo)

Geschrieben am 09-09-2010

- almex.midi with compact dimensions and a solar panel
- Further
extensions to the Europe-wide successful ticket vending series

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

New Products/Ticket Vending Machine

Subtitle: - almex.midi with compact dimensions and a solar panel -
Further extensions to the Europe-wide successful ticket vending

Hanover/Germany, 09/09/2010. (euro adhoc) - Hoeft & Wessel is
unveiling a new generation of stationary ticket vending machines with
particularly compact dimensions and a special solar-powered version.
In this way, the company is ushering in a new era of ticket vending
machines which are powered by solar energy and therefore do not need
to be connected to the electricity grid. As simple as this may sound,
it was in fact a particular challenge. The IT and engineering Group
for ticketing, parking and mobile solutions has developed the first
stationary solar ticket vending machine offering the same easy to
operate handling as large vending machines. The Hoeft & Wessel
Group´s Almex business division will be presenting the new product
for the first time at InnoTrans in Berlin.

Known as almex.midi, the vending machine extends the successful
almex.station series, of which more than 10,000 units are in
operation across Europe on railway platforms and public transport
stations. Whereas the almex.station has a width of 90 centimetres,
the new model measures only around 68 centimetres. Although smaller,
it offers the same functions as the larger model thanks to the
optimised arrangement of the modules.

The almex.midi will be available in two versions - a conventional one
to be powered by the electricity grid and a version which is fitted
with a solar panel and can therefore be operated independently of the
electricity grid.

Energy consumption is the "be all and end all" for solar power. By
using highly efficient components and heating only individual parts
rather than the entire device, it has been possible to reduce energy
consumption by up to 50 percent. Further potential for saving energy
is harnessed by shutting down the machine overnight and when it is
not in use. The utilisation of LEDs instead of neon lights also saves
energy and, despite the higher initial costs, pays off quickly thanks
to the energy costs saved. What is more, the illumination looks
better and has a substantially longer life expectancy. The
specialists at Almex recently developed and integrated a new LED
lighting system for the 1,100 ticket vending machines operated by
London Bus at the bus stations in the UK capital.

In developing the solar-powered version of almex.midi, Almex was also
able to rely on the many years of extensive experience gained by
subsidiary Metric. Its car park ticket vending machines are a good
example of the role which alternative energies are already playing
today. Around 60 percent of the parking machines sold already feature
a solar module, with this figure set to rise in the future. As early
as in the 1990s, more than 15,000 solar-power car park ticketing
machines had been sold. As these machines do not have to be connected
with the electricity grid, the cost-intensive infrastructure
preparations can be dispensed with. At the same time, the environment
is preserved and CO2 emissions reduced. This makes the new
solar-powered version of the almex.midi a good example of Green IT.

The new compact stationary ticket vending machines are still
multi-talents. Passengers can pay for tickets in cash or with cards
and e-tickets complying with the ITSO or VDV-KA standard are also
supported. A large touch screen and language support make it easier
to use the machine. Finally, Hoeft & Wessel´s Almex machines are
highly vandalism-proof and easy to use. TPG ("Transports Publics
Genevois"), the canton of Geneva´s public transport company, has
already opted for the new almex.midi.

Almex at InnoTrans, Berlin: Hall 2.1, Booth 232

Press kit with photo of almex.midi:

Pictures with Announcement:

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: Höft & Wessel AG
Im Internet recherchierbar:

Further inquiry note:

Arnd Fritzemeier

Tel.: +49-511-6102-300


Branche: Technology
ISIN: DE0006011000
WKN: 601100
Index: TecDAX, Prime All Share, Technology All Share
Börsen: Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Berlin / free trade
Hamburg / free trade
Stuttgart / free trade
Düsseldorf / free trade
Hannover / free trade
München / free trade


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